I watch from a distance as Ben escorts Rey around the base, ignoring her angry glares and 'I can take care of myself' remarks. Honestly, the way he's been so protective over her the past few days almost makes me want to forgive him for taking me prisoner and torturing me. Almost.
Rey still hasn't said a word about what she saw in her nightmare. Though judging by the sorrowful way she looks at me and Finn now, I'm guessing it didn't end well for us. She says she's fine, but I've seen how jumpy she's been since it happened.
Finn comes sprinting into the hangar, sweating and out of breath. "They...Leia...mission...good...Rey..." he pants, doubled over in front of me. "Whew!"
I tighten the new heat shield on the side of my X-Wing's laser cannon, making a face as I try to process Finn's words. "Man, what? I don't speak whatever you just said." The heat shield pops off and falls to the ground. I step off the ladder to retrieve it, cursing under my breath.
"Leia, she cleared the mission," Finn wheezes, before slipping into a coughing fit. "I need to start running more," he croaks.
"What mission?" I demand.
"I dunno, but it involves Rey and Palpatine. Leia wants all officers to report for a briefing and strategy meeting in an hour." Finn coughs again and decides he needs to lay down in the middle of the grease-covered floor. "Oh, and apparently she recruited some amazing pilot from the Academy on Chandrila to help lead the mission."
"Shit!" I slam my fist against the ladder in frustration and the shield falls off again, landing on the ground in front of me. "Why did she put me in charge if she was gonna keep pulling stunts like this?" I shout, drawing attention from the other pilots in the hangar. "Was it a joke to her? Am I a joke?"
Finn struggles to sit up. "Poe, calm down. You know as well as I do that she'll never completely give up control. And I don't want her to. You can barely take care of yourself, let alone lead a fleet of intergalactic rebels."
"Gee! Thanks, pal. I appreciate your vote of confidence." I pick up the useless replacement part and toss it into the T-70's cockpit. "I need a shower. I'll see you in an hour." I storm off without waiting for a response. My temper isn't usually this bad, but between worrying about Rey, trying to make repairs, and attempting to lead the Resistance, my fuse is shorter than it's ever been.
I'm so distracted by my thoughts I don't see the girl turn a corner right in front of me. We collide and she stumbles, barely catching herself on the wall. "Watch it!" She snaps, glowering from behind a curtain of unruly hair.
"You ran into me! How about you watch it!" I retort, sorely lacking in the comeback department.
She gives me a disgusted once-over and spins on her heel with a huff, continuing down the corridor.
Great, now my mood is worse.
I look down at my stained white tank top, grimy hands, and ripped pants. Okay, maybe I deserved the look of disgust.
The hot shower helps to relieve some of the tension I feel, so by the time I change into fresh clothes and walk to the command center, I'm in a much more tolerant mood. Hopefully it lasts.
As soon as I enter the room, Leia flags me down. "Poe, good, you're here. Finn told me you weren't feeling well and might not make it. I'm glad you're feeling better."
I look around and spot my supposed best friend in the far corner, smiling innocently at me. "Much better. Thank you, General."
Leia perks up and waves someone over as I turn to take my seat. "Poe there's someone I'd like you to meet. This is Lieutenant Vali, our newest pilot."

The Broken Ones | REYLO [Complete]
FanfictionA girl searching for her place in the galaxy. A boy fighting to take control of his destiny. And the bond that runs deeper than either of them could've imagined. It's been a month since Rey began her training with Luke Skywalker. Everyone said Kylo...