15. Hannah

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The next morning, I wake up more refreshed and happy than ever. I'm not sure why, but I won't question it. It's like I've got a new, more positive outlook on life.

Luke notices my smile as I walk briskly toward the command center. "You look like you're feeling better," he remarks. "What are you up to today?"

"I was actually coming to find you. I was hoping we could start training again. It's been a while since I've had real, one-on-one sessions with you." I flash a smile again, hoping my good mood will rub off on him and he'll agree.

Luke chuckles. "Sure, kid. Let me just deliver this message and we can get started."

"I can go with you," I offer, more nosy than anything. "So you don't have to come find me again later."

I follow my Master through the dusty corridors. People mill about around us, cleaning and organizing, keeping busy as much as possible.  Sorrow hangs heavy in the air, but no one lets on how devastated we all are. We must push on, because we are the only ones left. We are the galaxy's last hope.

Finally we arrive at a closed door, and Luke knocks. The door opens with a creak and a hiss, and I immediately avert my eyes. Kylo Ren stands before us, wearing nothing but low-slung black training pants. Discomfort causes my hands to fidget nervously, and my cheeks heat up. I didn't look for long, but I noticed a long, jagged scar stretching from his collarbone to below his ribs: a continuation of the scar I left on his face. His long, muscled torso is dotted with other scars and discolorations from old bruises. My first thought is that I want to ask him how he got each injury, and whether or not it still hurts. I shake the thought and turn away fully.

"Yes?" His voice is impatient but not unkind.

"Your mother sent me to fetch you. She has something she wants to discuss with you in the command center," Luke tells him.


"She didn't tell me," Luke says, "but I think it's important."

Ren nods. "I'll be there shortly." With that, the door shuts in our faces and I feel my color return to normal.

"You okay?" Luke asks with an amused grin.

"Me? Yeah, fine. Why do you ask?" I hope my nervousness doesn't seep into my words.

He chuckles. "Oh, no reason. Come on, I know a perfect place we can train."

We round the corner and I run head-long into a wide-eyed, young Resistance fighter. She gasps and I reach out to steady her, but as soon as my fingertips make contact with her skin, our minds meld. I blink and rub my eyes to clear my vision, but it's blurred by smoke and dust. I realize I'm on the ground, bruised and battered, surrounded by cries for help and screams of anguish. 

I scramble to my feet and stumble forward, only to trip over something soft. Everything moves in slow motion as my shaking hands flip the body over. Then another, and another. My--her--family... all dead.

Tears stream down my face as I take in the destruction all around me. Suddenly a jolt sends my heart thudding violently in my chest, and I'm running, searching, screaming. She has to be okay. She has to be okay

Kira. That's the name that tears itself from my throat until it's raw. 

The base comes into view, our X-Wing standing ready for take-off in front of the hangar. There she is, bloodied and covered in dirt, pushing the loading stairs up against the side of the ship. Relief soars through my bones and I break into a sprint. 

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