Chapter 1- This feeling...

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(Y/N)’s POV

I turned around to see what was behind me. Nothing.
“(Y/N) is something wrong?” Mika asked.
“Eh? Nothing. I thought someone was behind me,” I told my best friend.
“You have been feeling like that for a while now,” Mika said, “Are you sure?”
“Don’t worry. It’s probably my imagination.” I smiled at her, ignoring the little voice in my head that knew it was more than just imagination.
“Oh okay,” Mika said and then stopped walking.
“What is it?”
“Maybe someone is stalking you!” She said with a smirk on her face.
“Whaaa! Don’t be stupid.” I continued to walk on.
“Wait!” She hurriedly caught up to me, “But why can’t it be a stalker?”
“Because that’s just ridiculous, why would anyone want to stalk me?”
“Why not? You’re sooo cute.” She then pinched both my cheeks.
“Mika! It hurts!”
“Aww you’re soo adorable. You know, if I wasn’t straight, I would have totally asked you out,” she said. She then leaned towards me. As she was taller than me I looked up at her face, which was really close to mine. Her arm wrapped around my waist, not allowing me to move from her.
“Mika! Stop it! You’re scaring me,” I exclaimed.
“Hehe.” She took her arm off me and stepped back looking at me.
“Jeez.” I brushed my skirt down, “You need to stop doing that. Or your boyfriend would actually think you like me.”
“Hahaha! That would be funny.”
“Come on. We’re going to be late for school,” I told her.
“Okay okay.”
We both continued to walk towards our school. Argh I hope no one saw that. I looked at Mika. She was tall, slender and pretty. Not to mention popular with both the girls and guys. But unlike the stereotypical popular, pretty girl; she is really kind and friendly. We have been best friends since kids and we still are. And people are surprised to see us together. I’m short and glasses, and boring. Sometimes I wonder why Mika still hangs out with me. Sympathy? No matter what, we still look out for one another.
We got to the front gates, I again felt that presence but I ignore it and continued to walked with Mika

(Ryuu’s POV)

Ahh, (Y/N) is so cute and beautiful. I can’t control myself whenever I see her. Her soft hair and pretty lips. I  want her to be mine. I walked from the tree that I was hiding behind, and made my way into the school. She and her friend were walking into the building, and I followed them, because I want to keep an eye on (Y/N) , but also because I was in her class. Lucky me. I smiled to myself.
(Y/N) and her friend sat down, closer to the front of the classroom; whereas I sat closer to the back.
School is nearly finishing and I still haven’t told (Y/N) how I feel for her. I need to tell her before we graduate and go our separate ways. Well, if I didn’t get the chance to tell her now, I’ll just go to the same university that (Y/N) will go to  and continue watching her there too; and hopefully tell her my love. But I cannot wait. What if someone gets her before me? I would kill that person. I have to make sure no one does take her from me. Especially that idiotic girl Mika. Why was she leaning so close to (Y/N). It took all my strength not to jump on her and crush her throat with my bare hands. I will tell (Y/N) how I feel for her soon. Very soon. And then I could have my fun with her. I smiled to myself and kept my eyes on lovely (Y/N).

(Y/N)’s POV

(Time skip)

Our last lesson just had finished and I was packing my books into my bag.
“Oh (Y/N)  I forgot to tell you that I won’t be able to walk home with you today, because Tom  is taking me on a date,” she said with a grin.
“Aww okay, have fun.”
“Oh I will.”
I smiled at her and waved her goodbye. I walked out of the building and made my way home. There it is again that feeling. I turned around, and as always, nobody was behind me. I sighed and continued walking, wishing that I would have bought my scarf, as it was beginning to feel cold.
As I was walking, I looked at the park to my right. It was my special place, where I could go when I’m happy, angry, sad or just want to be alone. A new park replaced this one, so now it was left abandoned.
I thought of all the times I came to this park, when suddenly a strong hand grabbed my wrist and was gently pushed against the tree. A pair of hands on each of my side had trapped me.


Koko here to steal the show:

The first chapter is out!

I know it's only just the beginning, but I hope you have enjoyed what you read

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I know it's only just the beginning, but I hope you have enjoyed what you read.
You've met your Yandere already! WHAAAAAA?
Gotta meet that Deredere now ;)

As always votes/likes/comments are much appreciated ❤️

See ya next time peeps!

🤟🏻 P̾e̾a̾c̾e̾ ̾O̾u̾t̾ 🤟🏻

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