Chapter 1: New York and New Beginnings

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You watched your mother read over the letter. There was no reaction you could discern just yet - she just steadily read, flipping the paper over to check the back and setting it down on the kitchen table when she saw it was blank. She exhaled, clasping her hands together in front of her mouth.

"That's quite the opportunity." She said.

You nodded excitedly. "I really want to go."

The letter your mother had set down on the table was possibly the best thing that had ever happened to you. You had applied for this internship ages ago as part of a school program - it was supposed to show you a variety of options to expand your horizon and improve your college application. But you had never thought that Stark Industries (yes, the real Stark Industries, the biggest name in engineering today) would have accepted you for their summer internship program.

Supposedly only 250 applicants (the website said that over 10,000 high school students applied for this opportunity each year) were accepted each summer. And you had made it. You were part of that 250. You didn't know how you did it - your grades weren't extraordinary, you averaged a solid A/B, and you weren't particularly gifted in any science or math. But here you were, presented with the chance to work at one of the most influential companies in the country.

The only issue was, the internship was in New York. And you were in Colorado.

"This is great Y/N." Your mother said. "And I'm so proud of you, I really am, but how are you going to get all the way to New York and stay there for the summer?"

"So maybe I didn't think that part through when I applied." You said. "But we can figure that out, right? I don't want to just let this pass by just because I don't live there."

You mother tapped her nails on the table. "I agree, you shouldn't have to let this go just because we don't live in New York, but I cant just up and leave for an entire summer to rent an apartment in the city. Not to mention that would be insanely expensive."

You nodded, glancing down at the table and tracing along one of the scratches. You could always try to rent an apartment yourself... but you were a minor, and with all the time you were going to be spending on the internship, you didn't know how much would be left to get a part time job to pay for it. Or even if you could get one. Jobs were notoriously scarce in the city.

"Is there some kind of room and board option?" Your mother asked. "Like, for kids that live out of state?"

"I dont know." You said, pulling out your phone to open the website. "I can always email them and explain my situation, see if they could make some sort of exception."

Your mother nodded. "That's a good idea." She said, pulling out her own phone. "Oh, your Uncle says congrats on the internship."

You glanced up from your half-written email. "You told Uncle Tommy already?"

"We were just talking about him and Laurie coming to visit this summer and it came up." You mom said. "He's super psyched though, he says that even the valedictorian of Laurie's class couldn't get-"

"Uncle Tommy!" You exclaimed. "He and Laurie live in Brooklyn, right? I could stay with them over the summer and go to the internship!"

Your mother pursed her lips, obviously thinking. "We could ask." She said. "But if you did stay with them, they would have to change their entire summer plans. And I don't know if Tommy is ready for another person in the house, it hasn't been that long since Marie left them after all."

"We can ask though, yeah?" You asked. Living with Uncle Tommy for a summer would just be the cherry on top of the sundae. Uncle Tommy was the fun one, and Laurie was only a couple months older than you, so she and yourself got along really well. You hadn't seen them since two Christmases ago when they flew out here for two weeks to be with the rest of the family, and you would love to spend a summer with them.

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