Chapter 7: A Night Out With Friends

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You glanced at your phone. 5:17. Thank goodness.

"Hey, guys, we're off the clock." You called.

Theo dropped his ruler, sighing as he smoothed out the blueprints in front of him. "Thank god, I thought my brain was gonna explode."

Peter set down the piece of metal he was holding, pulling some screws out of his mouth and setting them down on Theo's table. "I feel like this is an odd place to stop though. We're only halfway done attaching-"

Theo came around the side of the table, clapping a hand on Peter's shoulder. "You work too hard, my guy."

"And we're seventeen- sorry, eighteen - minutes overtime anyway." You said. "That's technically more work that we've already done."

"Plus, it's Friday!"  Theo said. "Shouldn't you be dying to get out there and spend a night out on the city with your friends? Girlfriend, maybe?" Theo waggled his eyebrows. "Surely a strapping gentleman like you has a girlfriend?"

Peter blushed. "Uh... no, actually." He said, tucking his arms under his shoulders awkwardly. "I don't really... date."

You glanced at Peter, surprised. You'd figured that he'd have to have some kind of significant other, he was too dorky and sweet to not have been snatched up by someone already.

"An even better excuse to have a night out with your friends!" Theo said. "Surely you and... Ned, right? Ned, yeah, you guys must have fun!"

"Ned's away in the Bahamas right now... I was probably just going to go home and hang out with my Aunt." Peter said. You smiled. That was kind of adorable. Again, how had no one dated him yet?

"A stay-at-home kind of guy I see." Theo said. "I'm also a fan of staying home, in fact, my grandma is making latkes tonight."

Your phone buzzed; a text from Laurie.

when r u coming out?? lee and i r waiting in the lobby for u

You typed back a reply quickly

im coming down soon, y r u guys here? i was just going back home

The reply came quickly as well;

we have a gig tonight, ur coming to see us play + bring ur friends too if they can come

You figured it couldn't hurt to ask.

"Hey, do you guys maybe want to come see my cousin's band?"


Half an hour later, you were sitting at a table in a little restaurant, watching Laurie's band set up. Peter was with you, and Uncle Tommy had texted you to save him a seat for when he got there. Theo had said latkes were too important to miss, but that he would come next time around. You couldn't really blame him though, having tasted some of his grandma's cooking.

"So what kind of stuff do they play?" Peter asked.

"Dunno." You shrugged. "I didnt even know Laurie was in a band until I got here."

Peter sipped at his water, watching Lee set up his drumkit. "I didn't know Lee was in a band until right now either, and we're on Academic Decathlon together. He also doesnt really talk to anybody though."

"He seemed a little quiet, yeah." You said, thinking back to when you first met him. He had said maybe ten words?

"He's actually really nice though." Peter continued. "He can come off a little sarcastic and dry but once you get to know him a little better he actually is really genuine."

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