Chapter 5: Dingbats And Anime

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Theo texted you the next morning as you were packing up your knapsack for the day.

I got Prof. Martinez, u?

You typed your response back quickly:

Prof. Thatcher :( maybe we can still have our lunchbreak or smthn together

You were a little bummed that Theo wouldnt be working with you; granted you didnt know him that well but he was still your only friend at the internship for the moment. Hopefully whoever was working with you would be nice though.

"There's a bagel waiting for you in the kitchen." Laurie called from downstairs. She had woken up before you and was heading out to her summer job; manning the register at the local Hot Topic. "I should be back around the same time you are, but if I'm not I'll text you."

"Cool, thanks!" You called back, lacing up your shoes before you headed downstairs with your bag for the day.

True to her word, Laurie had left a bagel waiting for you on the kitchen counter, warm from the toaster and smothered in cream cheese. You took a big bite, savoring the warm gooey-ness before you left the house, locking the door behind you. You slipped your key in your pocket and headed down the street, joining the gentle flow of people walking to work.


You scanned your pass in the lobby again, still amazed at the robots who worked the area. There were a few other interns coming in as well, all headed to their mentors rooms. Professor Thatcher was on the fourth floor, room 16. Interns were paired off, so you wouldn't be working alone. Hopefully they were nice.

"Hey, Y/N!"

Theo jogged up to you, stuffing his pass into the back pocket of his jeans.

"Oh hey." You said. "What's up?"

"Nothing much." Theo said. "Sucks that we didnt get the same mentor. But hopefully we're close- what room are you in?"

"Fourth floor, room 16." You said.

"Oh, okay, I'm fourth floor too, just room 33." He said. "We can probably still have our lunch together."

"Nice." You said.

You and Theo started towards the elevators, slipping in with another group of five interns. Theo pressed the button for the fourth floor, and the doors closed, the floor lurching as the elevator started to move.

"Do you know who your partner is?" You asked.

Theo shook his head. "No idea." He said. "Hopefully not a total dingbat."

You snickered. "Dingbat, really?"

"Well, I dont know them yet, so I can't say they're a complete asshole." Theo reasoned. "And we're hoping they're not a dingbat anyway."

The elevator dinged to a stop, and three of the other interns got out.

"Hopefully our mentors arent dingbats either." Theo said. "I looked at Prof. Martinez's credentials last night and he seems pretty legit, but I cant know for sure until I meet him."

You had also looked over the credentials the Stark website provided for Professor Thatcher - she was a graduate of MIT and had a doctorate in theoretical physics. You had also checked out her Twitter and discovered that she was an avid anime fan.

"Professor Thatcher seems pretty nice." You said. "I found her Twitter last night and scrolled through  it for a while; apparently she's a weeb."

Theo grinned. "Sounds like you'll have a fun summer."

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