Chapter 34: NYU And New Beginnings

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Two Years Later

New York City. You were finally back, though not like you'd expected two years ago. This time, you flew in with a scholarship to NYU and more than just the luggage you would need for a single summer.

You had been in the city for a few weeks now, settling into the college life and getting ready for the new semester. Laurie had been eager to hang out, and you'd spent a couple nights watching her play. Lee was still around as well, but you weren't surprised. If Laurie believed in marriage, she would have married him already. They were made for each other.

Uncle Tommy had been thrilled when he'd heard you were coming back for school, and when you hadn't been out watching Laurie, you would eat dinner with them. It was nice to catch up since that summer two years ago.

But there was one person that you'd really wanted to see.

Of course, you'd texted Peter right away that you were going to school in the city. You'd stayed in touch the best you could for the two years you'd spent apart. Of course he was ecstatic he was going to see you again.

He just wasn't in town at the moment.

Which, of course, the week you came back to the city was the week he was upstate. It was fine though, the moment he got back you were going to take him out to lunch or something.

And now was the moment you were waiting for.

The cafe was relatively quiet, and obviously a hangout frequented by college students. Peter had texted you to meet him here today, and you were sipping at your latte waiting for him to arrive.

You almost didn't recognize him when he walked in.


You got up from your seat, coming up next to him and tapping his shoulder excitedly. "Hi stranger."

Peter turned to look at you. He'd gotten taller, and a little broader around the shoulders since you last saw him. But when he smiled, he looked exactly the same.

"Y/N." He said, wrapping you up in a hug. You melted into his embrace, happy to actually see him after so long; instead of just sporadic calls and facetiming.

"How've you been?" You asked when he pulled away. "How's May? How's the... Stark Internship?"

Peter grinned. "Let me order, and then I'll tell you all about it."

You sat back down in your booth, returning to your drink and watching Peter order. You had missed him a lot. That summer had been a building block of who you were as a person, and Peter was a part of it.

Of course, you'd also had that little crush on him. And you still kind of did- feelings never truly went away if you actually cared about the person. All the little times you'd held his hand... the gentle touches... the one kiss in Lee's car... the flowers.

Peter slid into the seat opposite you, holding his cup of coffee. "So." He said. "NYU?"

You nodded. "It wasn't even really a question. They have the program I'm looking for, and I've been longing for the city since I left."

Peter smiled. "It has that effect on people. And your moms okay with you being here again?"

You shrugged. "She wasn't going to stop me from going to school, and she figures Uncle Tommy is here if I need him."

Peter nodded, sipping at his drink. "Sounds like you're doing well."

"What about you?" You asked. "How's things?"

"Mr. Stark got me a scholarship to Cornell." He said. "I've been coming back to the city when I can to keep up that 'internship'."

"Still doing that then?" You smiled.

"Well, it's not all just summer adventures and revenge plots with friends." Peter said. "Even if I wish it was."

You smiled. "I miss that so much."

"Me too." Peter agreed. "I miss you more though."

"Stop." You grinned, sipping some of your latte.

"No, it's true!" Peter said, reaching across the table to hold your hand. "It's not the same when Ned and I hold hands."

You laughed. "I've missed you too." You said. "But hey, we can see each other more often now."

Peter smiled, running his thumb over your knuckles. "How's your Uncle?"

"He's good." You said. "Still the same old happy Uncle Tommy. Laurie's going to art school, still in the band. She's still going out with Lee - who still has that car."

Peter raised his eyebrows. "The first kiss car?"

You nodded. "The first kiss car- wait. That wasn't your first kiss?"

Peter grinned sheepishly.

"Peter!" You exclaimed, smiling. "How could you not tell me I was your first kiss?!"

"Well, I don't know if you remembered this, but we were also going after a terrorist at the moment." He said. "There wasn't exactly time to tell you."

"You've has two years to tell me, sir." You said, mockingly angry.

"I don't know, it never came up!" Peter said.

"Hmm." You narrowed your eyes, sipping your latte. "Or you were just embarrassed."

Peter rolled his eyes. "Stop."

You laughed. Conversation with Peter flowed easily, like you had just picked up where you dropped it two years ago. You found out his Aunt had gotten a new job, and that Ned was going to a school to get a teaching degree. It was nice, talking to Peter again.

Near the end for two hours just sitting and catching up, Peter let go of your hand.

"Um, I wanted to ask you something." He said. "Since you're going to be in the city, for school and all."

"Go for it." You prompted.

"Do you maybe want to go out with me?" He asked. "Since I never really got to take you out that summer, and I would like to-"

"Yes." You interrupted. "I would love to."

Peters face lit up. "Oh. Cool."

He was such a dork.

But he was your dork now.

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