Chapter 22: Folding Chairs

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You were in Lee's car again, but this time Laurie was driving. You had left the Brownstone with her a couple minutes ago, sneaking out while Uncle Tommy was passed out in his room. Lee and Peter had already been waiting.

You were suddenly wishing you hadn't gotten involved with this plan.

Not to say that you didn't want to see TelePro get what was coming to him... but did you have to be the delivery man? This guy had a gun.

But you weren't about to back out now. You reminded yourself you had Spider-Man on your side. And you trusted Peter. He would be doing his best to keep everyone safe.

The car ride was quiet, and no doubt everyone was sorting through their own doubts about what was going to go down. The only sound in the car was the occasional shuffle as someone moved in their seat and Laurie's music until you arrived in the Bronx.

The Bronx wasn't a great neighborhood, you were realizing as you drove through it.

"Doesn't your ex live around here?" Laurie asked.

Lee nodded. "Yeah, I think his house is the best block over."

You couldn't imagine living here.

Laurie turned when the GPS told her to, and by glancing at the screen you could see that you were just about there. She pulled over to the side of the road, quickly putting it in park.

"It's that one over there." She said, pointing to a warehouse a couple hundred feet away.

"Right." Peter said, pulling off his shirt to reveal his spider suit underneath. He wiggles out of his sweats too, leaving them on the floor of Lee's car.

Laurie pulled her knife out of her pocket. "Remember he's not expecting us, so try not to give him any hint that we're here."

Lee nodded, hopping out of the car to open the trunk. You followed him, grabbing your weapon of choice - a baseball bat - out of the trunk. Lee favored his penknife and a lead pipe he'd grabbed from Laurie's basement.

Lee closed the trunk and you gathered on the sidewalk.

"We look like a bunch of thugs." You noted.

Peter slipped on his mask. "Yeah... normally I would probably come beat you guys up if you were walking around looking like this."

Laurie grinned. "Well, for what we're about to do, I think it fits." She held her fist out in the middle of the group. "Comeuppance on three."

You had called a group circle before the attack at the open house.

Lee added his fist to the pile, along with Peter. You followed suit, resting your fist on top of the pile.

Laurie counted you off. "One... two... three!"



You were crouched behind a window of the building, trying to look inside and trying to control your breathing.

Neither of which endeavor proved fruitful.

There were no lights on inside, so all you were looking at was your own reflection. And you were too nervous to really do anything about your rapidly beating heart.

Something moved above you.

You gripped your baseball bat, frantically looking around.

It landed behind you.

You turned, swinging with all your might. Peter ducked at the last moment before the baseball bat would have hit his head.

"Peter!" You gasped, the force of your missed swing sending you toppling into him.

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