Chapter 28: A New Plan

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You woke up slowly, feeling the dried tears under your eyes fighting to keep them closed. You were still wedged between Peter and the wall, but he was halfway off the bunk at this point, sprawled our so his hand brushed the floor, still asleep.

You didn't want to wake him - especially after that accidental blow about him not having parents last night (needless to say, you felt awful) - and so you maneuvered your way over him carefully.

It didn't work though- you were almost off the bed when he startled, immediately grabbing you by the waist and throwing you out of the bed. You hit his desk chair, flopping to the floor with shock.

Peter, realizing what he had just done, leapt our of bed, coming over to you. "I'm so sorry, I was half asleep and it's a reflex from fighting, I didn't mean-"

You burst into laughter, allowing Peter to pull you up from the floor.

Peter spun you around, checking for cuts and bruises. "You seem awfully okay with this."

"Karma." You said, batting him away. "And it was funny as hell. Now let me go I need a piss."

Peter let you go, and you hurried into the bathroom, getting a good look at your disheveled bed head in the mirror as you used the toilet.

And with nothing distracting you, the events of yesterday came rushing back.

Your mood deflated somewhat. You would have to deal with at least some of that today. And your phone was definitely charged by now, so there was no avoiding the texts and calls you were sure you missed.

"Hey do you want pop tarts or frozen waffles?" Peter asked through the door.

"Frozen waffles." You answered. Today was looking like a frozen waffles kind of day, unfortunately.

But at least Peter would be there.


Laurie knocked on the door to Peters apartment around 11, after you were dressed and had taken care of some of the missed calls and texts.

Thankfully, you had looked at what Laurie had sent you first - apparently your mother had called her after you left last night, and she had covered for you, saying that you were with her but your phone was dead. And thankfully your mother had bought it.

You had 57 texts from said mother, but you had shot her a quick message saying that you were okay. Of course, she had responded with a million other things, but you would deal with that later.

Uncle Tommy had only texted twice, saying that he was sorry for yelling and that he hoped you were okay.

Sometimes you really loved your uncle.

Peter let Laurie and Lee in right away. "Hey."

"Hey." Lee repeated.

Laurie made a beeline right to you, wrapping you up in a fierce hug. "I'm so sorry for leaving, my dad called and said that it was really bad, and I never should have left you there alone and I know you must hate me now, but I'm really sorry-"

"Laurie, I'm okay." You said. You felt something wet pooling on your shoulder. "Are- are you crying?"

Laurie leaned back, wiping her eyes. "No I'm fucking drooling." She said, dripping with sarcasm.

"I don't blame you for leaving." You said. "I mean, I didn't want to be there either."

"Let's just not go back." Laurie said. "We can stay at Lee's, or here, and we-"

You interrupted her quickly. "We can't just not go back. They're our parents."

"Who needs parents?" Laurie said. "Especially yours. They just cause problems."

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