Chapter 27: Comfort

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You texted Peter again when you were outside his door, trying not to cry in front of his neighbors. This little old woman kept glancing over at you, and you really did not want her to say anything.

Peter opened the door not a minute after your text.

"Hey." He said.

You sniffled, trying to compose yourself as you walked into his apartment. "Hi."

He closed the door behind you. "Is, uh, is everything okay?"

You nodded, wiping your eyes. "Yeah... just family stuff."

"Um... May's on a work trip for the next couple days, but there's food in the fridge, and we could order something if you want." He said. "Do you want like a glass of water or something?"

You looked at Peter. Sweet, kind, lovable Peter who was staring at you like you were going to collapse on the floor at any moment. Peter who cared and wanted to help.

Your vision went blurry as you started crying again.

"Uhm..." Peter hurried over, guiding you to the couch and sitting down with you. "You're sure you don't want to talk about it?"

You leaned over, crying into his shirt. "My mom... and Uncle Tommy," You sniffled. "They hate each other. And they were screaming. And Laurie hasn't come home in days, and-" You cut yourself off with a cough.

Peter wrapped an arm around you, comfortingly rubbing your back as you cried on his shoulder. "You can stay here for a couple days if you want." He offered.

You nodded. "I don't want to go back there."

Peter leaned back into the couch, giving your more room to crawl into his lap and curl into his chest.

"This summer was supposed to be fun." You said. "But now... my mom and Uncle Tommy, and he got shot, and people are dying."

Peter rested his chin on your head. "It'll get better." He soothed. "I promise."

You sighed, your heartbeat finally steadying somewhat. "She's going to kill me when I have to go back."

"I'm sure we can figure something out." Peter said. "We can call Laurie and Lee tomorrow, they can come over here."

You snuggled into him, just letting yourself relax in his grip. You could feel his heartbeat, steady against his chest. You focused on it, trying to even out your own and diffuse the panicky feeling that had been sitting in your stomach for the walk over.

Peter brought one of his hands around, gently moving one of yours to interlace your fingers. He clasped your hand firmly, resting your joined hands on the couch.

You looked at your joined hands. Peter had been holding your hand for months now. And now you were alone. There was no one to come and interrupt this.

Now was finally the time.

"Peter," You broke the silence around you softly. "Do you like me?"

The question hung in the air for a moment.


He whispered it into your hair, squeezing your hand slightly. You had kind of known, or at least had a hunch, but it was nice to hear it confirmed from his own mouth.

"I like you too." You said, glancing up at him through your eyelashes.

Peter blushed. "That's good I guess."

You laughed, curling your legs in and sitting back up, still holding his hand. He was such a dork.

"Let's order a pizza." You said.


Peter couldn't fall asleep. He kept staring at the bottom of his top bunk above him, where he could hear you rolling around, trying to fall asleep too.

You had seemed significantly happier going to bed - pizza and Star Wars had done wonders for your mood, and he'd even had you laughing a couple of times. But by the way you were shifting around in bed, it seemed like maybe you were still a little upset.

Peter himself was feeling a little conflicted - you liked him back, but you had come to his house crying. Crying wasn't good, finding out you felt the same way was. This was one of the most emotionally stressful sleepovers he'd ever had.

He'd texted Laurie before you'd gone to bed, just giving her a heads up that you were over here and that you could all meet at his place tomorrow. Your phone had died, and was now charging on Peters desk. Your bag was stowed there too. You'd forgotten pajamas though, so Peter had lent you a tee shirt and some sweats.

Seeing you in his clothes had made his heart flutter a little.

You rolled over again, and the top bunk creaked.


Peter shifted in bed, scooting over so you could see his head. You were leaning over the edge of the bunk, looking down.

You just looked at him for a minute, before disappearing, only to reappear climbing down the ladder. You slipped right into bed with him, crawling over him to snuggle in between him and the wall, curling into his side.

Peter shifted around to throw an arm over your waist, allowing you to curl into his neck. Your shampoo smelled like strawberries.

You started to cry again, clutching at Peters pajama shirt. He ran a hand through your hair, hopefully soothing and comforting.

"I hate that she screamed at him." You whispered. "I hate that he cursed at her... I hate that Laurie just left me there... but I can't blame her."

Peter said nothing, just letting you rant into the night. He truly felt awful... you didn't deserve to have the rest of your summer ruined by your mom and uncles squabbling.

"It must be so nice only having to deal with one family member. No issues." You said.

Peter stiffened. He knew you didn't mean it badly. He knew.

As if you could read his thoughts, you quickly apologized. "That's not what I meant... I didn't mean-"

Peter cut you off. "I know. And I guess you're kind of right. But you wouldn't have Laurie or Uncle Tommy. And then you would have never come here for the summer."

"And then you and I would have never met." You said.

The conversation drifted off there, and Peter felt you slowly fall asleep, your breathing evening out.

When he was sure you were actually asleep, he pressed a kiss to your forehead.

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