Chapter 30: The Address

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The ride to the address was short and quiet. Laurie only spoke to give directions, and no one else spoke at all.

When you did arrive, Laurie and Lee got out to get the weaponry out of the trunk.

You stayed with Peter in the car when he changed into his suit.

You were bursting at the seams with stress. You were about to break into this house, and this time TelePro would actually be there. It seemed like years ago, when Lee had pulled you under that folding table and you had watched Uncle Tommy take a bullet to the leg protecting Theo.

This was justice. For Uncle Tommy. And for all the people he'd actually killed the second time around.

Peter shimmied into his suit, the material confirming to his body automatically. You were holding his mask for him so he could maneuver himself into the suit in the car.

"Are you nervous?" You asked.

"You have no idea." Peter said. "Well, you might have some idea."

"I think I have a pretty good idea." You said. "This time it's actually going to happen, isn't it?"

Peter slipped into the suit fully. "Hopefully anyway."

"We could die." You said. You knew you could die. People had already died because of this man.

"Yeah... that's just part of the job description." Peter joked. "Ah- sorry. I know it's serious. It's just a habit."

You smiled. "You do that every time?"

"Pretty much." Peter said. "Um... I just think it lightens the mood. I know it's kind of weird-"

"No, I think it's okay." You said. "Better than those really serious guys, right? Don't want to be Batman about everything."

Peter grinned. "Yeah I guess."

He glanced down at his mask in your hands. You followed his gaze, turning the fabric over in your fingers. You could die tonight. And even if you didn't, this was probably the end of your summer. Your mother was definitely shipping you back to Colorado after this.

This could be the last time you saw Laurie and Lee for a while. You most likely would never see Theo again. And this might be the last time you saw Peter.

You leaned forward, kissing him on the mouth. He startled for a minute, but then kissed you back. His lips were soft and tasted like strawberry chapstick.

You pulled away first, enjoying the starstruck look on Peters face. You pulled his mask over his head.

"Let's try not to die, yeah?" You said.

The eyes in the mask crinkled, like Peter was smiling. "Okay."

Laurie tapped twice on the window, beckoning you out of the car. You and Peter got out, Lee handing you the baseball bat you'd had last time around.

The house before you was small and homey, or as homey as a house in the Bronx could be. Not the kind of place you were expecting, but you supposed it was a good hiding place for a supervillain in the making then.

"Everyone remembers the plan?" Laurie asked.

You murmured your assent.

"Okay." Laurie breathed, placing a hand on Peters shoulder. "This is counting on you."

Peter tilted his head. "Yeah I figured it would."

Laurie rolled her eyes. "That suit makes you cocky, anyone ever told you that?" She snarked. "But remember- quiet, and we're only here for him."

Lee nodded. "Let's go."


The cellar door lock broke easy when Lee hit it. You were a little surprised - surely TelePro would have taken more precaution and security than this. But then again, he wasn't expecting anyone to find him.

Or at least you hoped he wasn't.

Laurie went in first, her knife out and ready. You heard her feet hit the ground and then a pause.

"Cmon down." She said.

Lee went next, sliding in. You followed quickly, hopping down and landing on your feet. The drop hadn't been far, but it still made your heart beat faster.

Anything would make you have a heart attack at this point.

Laurie lead the way through the basement, stopping at every door and checking every corner. You were sure Peter was in the house by now, and you were hoping that he found TelePro first. Not to say that you didn't want your hit in, but you would rather the trained professional get a few punches in before you did.

It was when Lee stubbed his toe that you found something.

"Shit." He exhaled, quickly stepping to the left and pulling his foot away.

Laurie's head snapped back to him. "What?"

"Toe." He whispered.

You peered closer at the thing he had stunned his toe on. Two long bars, connected in the middle and hooked up to a generator. It was impeccable science.

"A teleportation machine..." You said.

It looked almost exactly like the one you'd built at the open house.

"At least we know we're in the right place." Laurie said, joining you and running a hand over one of the magnets.

She was right; there was really no other way this device could even be here except for him. TelePro was here.

Something shifted upstairs.

Laurie glanced up at the ceiling, gripping her knife. "Do you think Peter found him?"

Lee looked up as well. "I think it would be a lot louder if Peter found him."

You looked to the stairs. He was up there.

Peter was up there.

"There's only one way to find out." You said, starting up the stairs as quietly as you could. They creaked under your feet, but you progressed carefully and stepped only near the edges of each stair.

You could hear Laurie and Lee behind you, copying your movements. You suddenly wished you weren't in the front of the line. The door at the top of the stairs was closed.

There was no telling what was behind it.

You glanced behind you.

Laurie was at your back, clutching her knife. She wasn't here for herself. She was here for her father. Her father, who had been one of the only victims of TelePro to survive so far. And she herself had been affected, held under a table to watch her father be shot.

Lee wasn't here for himself either... or maybe he was. You remembered the gut wrenching sobs that he'd been crying underneath that table - the same sobs that had punctuated your nightmares. You thought he was here for Laurie, but he might have been here for himself too.

And why were you here? For Uncle Tommy, of course... because Laurie has asked you to... for Theo... for those men and women in the Harrington building that day. Because while on paper TelePro was right - capitalism and the elite were going to end the world one day - terrorism was wrong.

You placed a hand on the door handle, and pushed down slowly.

The door swung open, the hinges creaking, and Theo sat up on the couch, drearily rubbing his eyes from the noise.

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