Chapter 10: Teleportation For Dummies

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Peter and Theo were already at your booth when you arrived. You dropped your bag quickly under the table and hurried over.

"Morning." You greeted.

Theo handed you a pastry wrapped in wax paper. "Grandmama sends her love and good luck today."

You unwrapped the paper and bit into the pastry, enjoying the flaky dough and raspberry jelly tucked inside. "Is she coming today?"

"Ah, no." Theo said. "She has a, uh... an appointment."

"Oh that's too bad." You frowned. "I wanted to meet her, tell her how good her pastries are in person. Peter your Aunts coming right?"

Peter nodded, still focused on removing all dirt from your machine. "She's taking off work after lunch."

"Uncle Tommy and Laurie said they'd be here when it opened, so knowing them, they'll probably be here after lunch too." You said. "What needs to be done still?"

"Uhh," Theo glanced around. "Pete and I already ran a test, everything is working fine... he's dusting it off... the tables already set up... I guess just stand there an look pretty." He said. "You're good at that though."

You smiled thinly. "Good one."

"Cmon I'm just playing around." Theo said. "Gotta have something with all this nervous energy."

You turned to the table, focusing your energy on perfectly straightening everything on the surface - the essay that Russian scientist had written that Theo found for the idea, the blueprints, the pamphlets about the internship.

"God, I'm so nervous."

Peter came up beside you, nervously tapping his fingers on the edge of the table.

"Yeah me too." You said.

The building was starting to fill up with people, staff and interns coming to set up their tables and get ready for the open house. You glanced around at some of the other interns projects- you weren't able to tell what most of them did, but you were sure once the demonstrations started you would be able to figure it out.

"Hopefully it works." Peter said. "Well, we know it works, but like, I don't want it to break or anything. And hopefully nobody also did teleportation. I don't think they would have-"

"Dude, chill you're freaking out." You said. You maneuvered your hand to Peters, stilling his rapidly tapping fingers by winding yours with them.

Peter watched you do it. "Um, actually, Y/N, I was wondering if-"

"There you guys are!" Melanie jogged up to the table, her platform sneakers thudding on the floor. "I wanted to catch you guys before the crowds come in- oh, you must me Theo!"

Theo came up next to Peter, shaking Melanie's hand. "That's me."

Peter moved his hand away from yours, looking down at the table.

"You're the one who came up with the idea, right?" Melanie asked, walking around the table to come inspect Ben.

"I pitched it, yeah." Theo said, following her. You turned to join them as well, Peter tagging along.

"This looks well done..." Melanie said, walking around the device. "What kind of adhesive is this?" She asked, pointing to the juncture between two pieces.

"Peter actually invented it." Theo said.

"Uh, yeah, it's based off spider web fluid." Peter said.

"Impressive, impressive..." Melanie said. "Mind if I see it in action?"

"Not at all, Y/N can you grab the laptop?" Theo asked.

You did, opening it up to the program that ran the machine. Peter flicked the power on, and you started the process, causing the magnets to being to buzz. Theo and Melanie moved away, and Peter grabbed one of the tennis balls from the bucket you were using as test objects.

"Okay..." You clicked the full process on. "It's running."

The thin sheen crept between the magnets again, creating what looked like a bubble wall between them. Once it was fully formed, Peter tossed the tennis ball through.

The ball disappeared when it hit the bubble wall.

Theo gestured toward the receiving end, the little platform a few feet away.

The ball dropped from thin air, bouncing on the platform.

"Oh, fantastic!" Melanie chirped, clapping her hands together.

"Thank you." Theo said, smiling like a proud father.

"And you did all this yourselves... astounding." Melanie said. "What's your last name again Theo?"

"Ah, St.Clair." Theo said.

"I'll have to remember that, Theo St.Clair... if you come back next year I'll have to pick you as one of mine." Melanie said. She glanced at her watch. "I've actually got to be downstairs to greet the guests when they come, but if I can get away and come visit during the day I will!" She said. "I'm so impressed... I'm sure you all will do wonderful!"

Melanie left, hopping down the stairs at two at a time to get to the lobby. You could see the doors from your spot on the mezzanine, and people were already starting to gather at the doors.

"We've got like seven minutes." Theo said, glancing at his phone. "Gosh, this is nerve racking."

"Agreed." Peter said.

"You know what guys, team huddle, real quick." You said. You slung an arm over Peters shoulders, and the other one over Theo's.

Looking at the faces of the two boys, you began your speech. "Look. We just poured like five weeks of our lives into this. All day and every day. Ben is our baby."

"And I'm so proud of our son!" Theo jutted in. "He's a beautiful boy."

You fought back a smile, trying to stay serious in the moment. "Right... our son. Either way, this is his big day. We can't let him down and be bad parents here. We've got to do our job and brag about our kid."

Peter grinned.

"So let's do it, alright?" You continued. "Let's brag about our kid until that's all that anyone talks about. We know he's amazing, and we've got to let other people know he's amazing too."

"No lies detected." Theo nodded. "Couldn't have said it better myself. This is it guys, so let's do it."

"Alright, yeah." Peter said. "Its all for Ben."

"For Ben on three!" Theo said. "One... two... three...!"

You jumped back from the group, throwing a fist in the air, Peter and Theo doing the same. "For Ben!"

The interns at the next booth looked at you strangely.

"Okay... Y/N can you man the laptop today?" Theo asked.

"Sure thing." You said, grabbing the computer.

"Great. Keep an eye on that battery, we can't have that dying on us today." He said. "Peter, you've got the best aim, can you do the throwing?"

"Aye aye!" Peter mockingly saluted, going to stand over by the bucket of tennis balls. You grinned. He was the definition of nerdy cute.

Theo saluted back. "I guess... I'll do the talking then." He said, wiping his hands down on his pants and taking a breath. "T-minus two minutes boys."

"We've got this guys." You said. "I believe in us."

"Team Ben." Peter said.

"Team Ben." Theo repeated. "Damn, we should have made stickers or something!"

You laughed. "Too late now, the doors are opening."

And they were, the sliding glass slide open and people started meandering in, hitting the row of scientist greeters and robots welcoming them to the open house.

"Showtime." Theo said.

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