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Ethans pov

I was glad Harry and Simon has asked me to take them to the hospital, I'd been feeling pretty helpless. Day and night I would spend hours reading article after article to try and find something useful I could use to help Harry but there hasn't been much I've found worthwhile. Anyway that didn't matter right now because I was here, with Harry and the doctors had said his hand wasn't broken which was great! Just badly bruised and would be hurting for awhile which was not so great!
"So should we head back now?" I asked not wanting to sound demanding in the slightest, I'd read that being demanding can—oh you know what I need to stop basing every single movement I make around these fucking articles and just act like myself. If I start acting differently around Harry it will no doubt freak him out. How would I normally act in a situation like this? "Race you to the car!" I laughed while Harry and Simon chased after me, both in hysterics. "ETHANNNN SLOW DOWN YOU PLONKER" Harry laughed as he struggled to keep up, clutching his hand. I felt kind of guilty at the sight of his hand and stopped abruptly in my tracks "okay okay I surrender guys it's a draw."
"Only because we were catching up!" Simon laughed and Harry joined in "yeah! We so would've beat you!"

I liked Harry like this. Happy.

Harry's Pov

It was weird. I woke up this morning not even wanting to leave the house and somehow let JJ convince me into doing just that. Granted we never actually made it to Morrison's thanks to me having a breakdown and buggering my hand. Now I am sat in the back of Ethans car with my hand wrapped in Simon's, driving back home from the hospital. I'm not quite sure what this little 'thing' was between me and Si but I liked it. It was weird how in this moment I actually felt happy. Just for a moment I know I mean I've felt happy before and the happiness never stays but I was determined to appreciate this moment to its fullest until it was taken from me. Today, I woke up with no intentions of communicating with anyone. Instead I opened up to JJ and to Simon, not completely but a little and I realised that maybe the guys did care for me. Well that's what Simon and Jide said anyway and although I wasn't fully convinced as they can't possibly speak for everyone, I could tell that they cared. I was grateful.

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