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Tobi's Pov

As expected, we couldn't all agree on everything so were forced to compromise. If Harry got worse within the next two weeks we would force him to get professional help but until then we would each make an effort to do whatever we could to help him without the outside help. Generally I don't actually go up into Harry's room to check on him since that was routinely Simon's or JJ's job, they'd become pretty hands on with this whole thing while I feel like the rest of us had taken a slight backseat. Under no circumstances does that mean we all don't care because we do we really do we just don't want to make Harry overwhelmed . I think now though we have all agreed to step up a little and thus I'm headed up to Harry's room to check on him.
I peered into his half open door to see him lying awake on his bed, staring at the ceiling. He looked almost lost in thought. Wonder what he was thinking?
"It's me tobi, can I come in?"
He didn't turn to face me, which more than likely meant fuck off tobi I'm not in the mood but I wasn't gonna have that. I pushed the door fully open and sat down on the floor in front of him.
"How are you feeling?"
"Figures." I don't know what else I was expecting really. I'd came in here with the intention of cheering Harry up and wasn't planning on leaving him without that being fulfilled. I had an idea.
"Come on, get your ass up!"
"Excuse me?"
"We are going out!"
"No we are not." Harry pulled his bed sheets over his head in an attempt to shut me out.
"Yes we are!"
"Will you give that up?"
"Where are we going?"
"For a walk!" I smiled.

Harry's Pov

For a walk? How do I keep letting the guys talk me into this shit. I was definitely not in the mood and Tobi could definitely tell. It'd be amazing if I could just turn this sadness off but I can't. Sometimes it feels like everyone has a happy switch and mine is just broken. Never know when I'll wake up sad, never know when I'll wake up happy. Unpredictable. Obviously I appreciate tobis gesture but it is just not going to work. Today was a bad day, no stopping that.

Tobis Pov

There's no denying that Harry was depressed. Things like getting him to come out of his room or leave the house were massive victories and I'd felt like I'd just won as I was waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs. He said he had to get changed quickly which was understandable considering he'd been in his pyjamas when I asked him to hang out or more like demanded he came out. Fresh air was good for you after all.
"Ready," He groaned as he passed me "where are we even going?"
"No where in particular, just a walk."
"A short walk."
I could hear the desperation in his voice
"yes, just a short walk."

Harry's Pov

We ended up in a Starbucks near the house. I got a black coffee and Tobi got a green tea. I hadn't got much sleep. That's another thing I've noticed, I either sleep too much or I barely get an hour. Fucking annoying that's what it is.

"Why'd you wanna go for a walk so bad?"
"When I was younger I used to get stressed out and angry over the littlest things and to let out my anger in a non-aggressive way I would go for a run, I didn't think you'd be up for running though."
"It helped clear my mind, let out the negative energy if you will, did the walk help you do that?"
"I suppose so, it sorta distracted me from the bad things."
"Good! Good okay cool."
He seemed proud of himself which made me thankful.
"Maybe you should go on walks by yourself sometimes?" He made a good suggestion to be fair. "If I'm feeling up to it," I awkwardly half smiled at him "could we go back now?"

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