The long lost power

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Jayden's pov

It has been a few months since I've gathered the rangers but it still feels like they aren't all here. Someone's missing I know it but I can't figure out who.

"Jayden I need to talk to you," Ji said. "What's up Ji, is something wrong?" I asked. " One ranger is not here but it's going to be tough to find her," he said. "What do you mean one of the rangers isn't here? We sent message arrows to all of them," I retort. "We sent arrows to all of them except one and it's going to be hard to send her a message arrow when she has been off the grid since her parents died." He says like its no big deal. "How could you not know I've read every book we have, and if she exists why do we need her now? We've been doing fine on our own," I say trying to make sense of this. "We didn't need her or her power until now. The nighlok are back and stronger then I thought. We need to find her, but I must warn you this will not be easy as she doesn't know who she really is. Her dad taught her symbol powers and how to wield a sword but never explained why. I suggest you find her and her power before you tell the others as they might not be okay with this," He tells me. I come back at him, with what seems like a million questions but he just says, "Go find her, I'll keep the others training and call you if a nighlok attacks and we need you." "Okay" I reluctantly agree. "But I don't know if I can on my own." I start to leave but mentor stops me, " Who knows maybe it will be easier than you think." With that I take my leave. I decided to start my search at the Tengen gate. Thinking maybe the guardians have some answers.

Brynn's pov

I was on a ride with my horse Chance when I heard them grunting in pain. I raced over to find the Power Rangers captured all except for the Red Ranger  who could barely stand luckily I hadn't been noticed. I saw the other rangers spin swords and seized my opportunity. I grabbed the one with the green disk on the end and snuck up on the nighlok and hit him giving red his chance, but the nighlok started drying up and had to leave. With that I dropped the spin sword and took off towards my horse, before red and the others saw me. That was when I realized who and what I was. That's when it all started to come back.

*time skip back to her house*

I can't believe he didn't tell me I feel so betrayed. The thought makes me feel alone. So instead of thinking about it I decide it's time to head to bed. She goes inside her house which was a cave but inside she had a little hut. In it had all of her stuff that reminded her of her family and her three dogs Lucy, Kaylee, and Dakota. She went inside and thought about her memories.


I was ten at the time my mom was inside and my dad and I were outside. He was teaching me how to draw a power symbol. That's when the house caught on fire and my mom was still inside. When dad ran inside to save her and I followed even though he told me to stay put. The next thing I knew my mom was laying in my lap lifeless and my dad was nowhere to be found. I got up and ran outside hoping to find my dad and I did but he was dead and the red Ranger was there and was fighting a nighlok. That's when it all goes blank.

~present time~

I need to find out what power was I able to do then all of a sudden I remembered this little box with the power ranger symbol on it. I ran to the Tengen gate to see if I can get some answers to my past and my power. That's when I met him.

Jayden's pov

I get to the Tengen gate and run to her. Well more like she ran into me as I was bowing in respect at the gate. She stumbled and fell, I offered her my hand which she took and stammered an apology, "I- I'm so s- sorry I d-didn't mean to I'm just in a bit of a hurry." I replied saying, "Its okay it happens my names Jayden what's yours?" She said at a barely audible level, "It's Brynn." "Well Brynn if you don't mind asking what are you doing here this place is unknown to most people?" I ask curiously how she knows of this place. "I was hoping they might have answers. I'm trying to figure out some things and thought it might be the best place to start," she says stammering. I'm pretty sure there's more than that but don't push since we just met. I tell her "Then you probably want to talk to the guardians as well." She says, "You could say that I guess." I tell her that I can take her to the guardians. I walk up to Daisuke who welcomes us both, "Ah welcome back Jayden and is that you Brynn?"  I'm surprised that he knows her. She replies with, "Yes it's me long time no see Daisuke. I came because I have questions." I state, "I also have questions." "Well Brynn if you don't mind I would like Jayden's questions first in private so that we can answer your questions and catch up. If you don't mind." He tells Brynn. To which she replies with, "I don't mind at all." Daisuke guides me inside and I ask about the lost ranger and her powers. He says that she is the silver ranger and her power is unknown because the last Silver Ranger hid the power disk and samuraizer soon before he died, and he said that's all he knows. With that I take my leave. On my way out I see Brynn and tell her, "He's ready for you. '' See you around?" She replies with, " Thanks, and yeah see you around."

Brynn's pov

I walk in and Daisuke is waiting for me. I then bow in respect and tell him why I'm here, "I came to ask about my father and why he was keeping secrets." To that he replied, "Well that's because he wanted to protect you. He was the silver ranger and he told me if you ever came and asked his secret to give you this box." He hands me a small chest with the samurai emblem and a symbol that looked like the one on my necklace that represents thunder. He tells me, "You are to become a power ranger and the fact that you came means you are ready to find your samuraizer and pow-" He was cut off by a loud crash coming from outside. I put the chest in my backpack and run outside to see a nighlok and that's when the rangers show up. In one strike he has them all on the ground barely able to stand and I notice red isn't with them. I ran and picked up a spin sword; it was the one with the green disk again. I run at the nighlok from behind and spin the disk and yell, "Forest Vortex!" That knocked him off balance long enough for the rangers to get up. I strike him. Then suddenly red shows up. I drop the spin sword and run and climb into a nearby tree. They defeat him but he gets bigger and I have to jump a few trees back. Once the big guy is defeated they get out of the zords and start talking about me and how I was able to use Mike's spin sword. I assume Mike is the green ranger. I'd heard enough and jumped out of the tree and started running. They saw me and followed me. I ran as fast as I could but red was faster he stopped and turned me around and froze. It was only for a split second but it was long enough for me to figure it out. I realized I knew the red ranger. I was about to call him out when the others caught up and started interrogating me. It started with greeny, " How did you use my spin sword?" That shocked red clearly he wasn't listening earlier. "Wait she used a spin sword?!" Red said loudly in shock. "What's your name?" I replied, "You already know, Red I would say your name here and now but we're being watched by another nighlok." The rangers turn around and see him. They did what they do best and began to fight, giving me time to run away.

A/N I know this chapter is kind of long but this way the boring stuff goes by faster. Also I keep editing this chapter but I just got someone I know to help proof read so there will be less errors. So I'll be having them edit as I write from now on. S/O to my best friend. To keep you thinking here are some questions that are yet to be answered. Who does Brynn think the red ranger is? Does Red tell the others what's going on? Who was the nighlok that was watching them? Did they destroy the nighlok that was watching them? I know I'm leaving you with a lot of question but I have one more. Is there romance in the air? I don't how much I'll be posting but I'll try to release one chapter a week, but no promises though. Anyway hope you enjoyed see you in the next chapter.

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