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Hey y'all you may have noticed that I really have been updating a lot over the past couple months. I have a lot of things happening right now in my family. I actually only got back to writing cause I sprained my knee. Weird I know let's just say my grandma's horse didn't like me riding her. Anyway I've been on a week of I have to rest and relax which let me tell you is not easy for me. I decided best to get back to writing when I can't really do much else. I love my writing though I've just had a lot on my mind keeping me from focusing on what I want to write. I missed this writing my thoughts and people enjoying my writing. Anyway the last chapter was weird and honestly I'm running out of ideas for this book so I thought why not ask you guys where you want this to go. So go ahead and leave some comments. For now as always



Stay you

Stay beautiful

And I will see you all in the next chapter


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