The Search Begins

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A/N As earlier promised I said I would post chapter two today or tomorrow so here it is. I finished the final edit so enjoy!

Jayden's pov

I get home and the others immediately start to interrogate me. "What was that about?" Emily asked me. I was about to answer when Ji stepped in asking, "What happened out there?" Mike said to Ji, "Some girl came up and used my spin sword and hit the nighlok. Then when Jayden showed up she dropped it and ran off to hide somewhere. Once we defeated the nighlok we started talking, and apparently she overheard us then she jumped out of a tree. We chased her down, and Jayden caught up to her first. When we asked her name she said that Jayden already knew and that she knew who he was. She said she would've outed him then and there but we were being watched by another nighlok. We turned around and saw it, so then we started fighting. When he started drying out he returned to the netherworld. We turned around to finish the conversation but she was gone." This had mentor confused. It was completely silent, and I broke the silence by saying, "Ji can we talk in private?" He said, "I think that's a good idea." I then told him, "Her name is Brynn and I think she might be the silver ranger." He was even more confused by this. I then ask, "Should we tell the team about it now?" He just said, "Now isn't the right time. We need to find her she might be in danger now that she's helped us fight the nighlok." With that we head back to the meeting room and tell them the plan. I say to them, "We need to find that girl. I don't know who she is but she might be in danger now that she helped us against nighlok." Mia said, "We need to make sure she's safe but is she going to stay here? If she does, how are we going to keep our identity's a secret?" I tell them, "We'll tell her that we help the rangers because if something happens to them we have to take their place." Once that was decided the team agreed to go look for her and we went back to where we last saw her in the forest. We used Mike to track her since the forest was his domain. We followed the trial to a cave. We went inside it, and found a small hut. We went up to it cautiously since we didn't know what to expect, that's when a big lab came out and started barking like crazy. I hear from inside a voice yell, "Dakota silence!" Then she comes out in a tank top and leggings surprised to see us. She says, "Dakota sit." I tell her, "You need to come with us. Your safety has been compromised since you helped us with nighlok." She asked where she would be staying and I told her, "You will be staying at my house for some time." She agreed but wanted to talk to me alone about something. I told the team to go wait outside so they did. She said, "Jayden are you the red ranger?" The question shocked me and it threw me off. Luckily I didn't show it. I told her, "No but I work with the rangers along with my friends." She packs her stuff since she isn't sure how long she was going to be gone and brought her dogs. With that we went outside and I told the team to head home and that we would meet them there. That's when they caught on to my plan. On the way back we got ambushed. I morphed and started to fight them back, but not before Brynn got pushed down a hill and fell unconscious. I fought the nighlok back to the netherworld. I ran to check on Brynn and found her surrounded by her dogs. I summoned my horse and put her over my shoulder to get on with her. I then laid her on my lap once I was on the horse and I raced home.

~ Time skip back at house~

I rush her inside and the others see that she's unconscious and follow me. I laid her on the bed and demorphed. The others went to get supplies to help her. Her dogs came running in, lying next to her trying to be with her and make sure she was okay. I took her hand in mine and said to her, "Wake up Bree please. I'm sorry this happened. I should have done better protecting you." In my head I say it's all my fault I shouldn't have let them get that close.

~ A couple hours later~

I wake up with my hand still in Bree's. (Bree is Brynn, that's his nickname for her) I noticed that she started to stir right as the gap sensor went off. I reluctantly leave to go help my team.

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