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A/N If y'all the chapter was the end of this book then you skipped the intro note and if you did how dare! Anyways as promised here's the epilogue. Enjoy!

Brynn's pov

~Two months later~

It's been two months since we defeated Xandred and still nothing on Mercury or Serrator. Jaeden knows I'm stressed and insists that we go on a date. "Okay we can just give me ten minutes to get ready," I say giving in knowing he won't give up tell I say yes. I head to my room to get changed into a jean skirt and a blue tank top. I decide to leave my hair down and curl it. Ultimately deciding to not wear makeup. I head back out and meet Jaeden by the door. We say goodbye to everyone and head out walking towards the park. We arrive and there's already a picnic set up. There's a small plaid blanket. In the middle is a vase of flowers with a picnic basket set neatly beside it. Jaeden takes my hand before guiding me to sit on the blanket. We sit and he pulls out two pb&j sandwiches. We eat in a comfortable silence. Soon we finish our sandwiches and Jaeden reaches back into the basket to pull out what I assumed was desert. He pulled out a box of chocolate covered strawberries and opens the box gently as to not break the chocolate. He hands one to me before grabbing one for himself. Soon we finished those as well and Jaeden stands up offering his hand to me to help me up. I gladly accept getting up standing face to face with him his eyes meet with mine and I notice he's got an extra shine to his eyes, but he also looks extremely nervous. "What's got you so happy?" I ask when he responds taking my hands I just freeze in surprise thinking I know what's about to happen. "Nyla you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You're sweet, surprising, caring, and just overall the best person I've ever met," he pauses for a moment kneeling down on one knee and reaches into his pocket pulling out a small velvet square box, "I can't imagine a future without you and I don't ever want to know what that would be like. What I'm trying to say is Nyla Brynn will you make the happiest man in the world and marry me?" He asks opening the small box. I stand there for moment longer in shock before replying, "Yes Jaeden! Yes I will marry you!" I exclaim. He takes the ring out of the box before sliding it onto my left ring finger. Then we kiss pulling apart moments later to clean up and head back to the Shiba house to share the good news.

A/N I know very cliche engagement and yes I said the last chapter was the last one but I promised an epilogue so here I am writing the official end to the book. As I said before have no fear there will be a sequel if y'all so wish. I have plans for it that's why not all the loose ends have yet to be tied up. Also thank you all so much for 1.3k reads it means a lot. Anyways for now like always,



Stay you

Stay beautiful

And I'll see y'all in the next book.


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