The Celebration

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A/N I got two out this week woohoo! Enjoy!

Brynn's pov

After we tell Ji the good news Mia tells me, "Ji said you can sleep in Em and I's room, so tonight we're having a girls night." Antonio says, "So your kicking us out of our room? This means that we're having a guys night." I can tell that this is a setup. "Yes let's do it," I say having fake enthusiasm. I go grab some stuff from my room and go with the girls to their room. Emily asks, "Hmmmmm what should we talk about first?" Mia says, "I know we should talk about. Who we have a crush on." Emily says very excitedly, "That's a great idea!" This is definitely a setup. "I'll go first. You can all probably tell but I like Kevin," Mia says. Emily says, "I like Mike you can probably already tell. What about you Brynn anyone you fantasy?" When it comes my turn I start to blush and say, "Maybe." I avoid everyones eyes as I say this. But Emily began asking more questions, "What about Jayden? What do you think of him?" I blush even more at this and tell them, I do my best to keep it under the radar but these girls are like crush magnets. So they could see right through my I knew the gig was up "Okay! Okay! You got me. I like Jayden." Mia says, almost preaching after my sensitive confession "You more than like him admit it!" I blush more and say, " Ughhh...Y-your right. I more than like him." I was defeated by them and Emily she told me, "Say it! You know you want to!" I cave and shyly say, "I-I'm in l-love with J-Jayden Sh-Shiba." As soon as we're done talking about that Mia says, "Hey Brynn can you go grab some snacks? I want to talk to Em about something." I agree and go to the kitchen to gather some snacks. After that I wanna be out of their as soon as possible.

Jayden's pov

I guess we're having a guys night. This feels like a setup. Me and the guys are staying in my room since the girls claimed the other room. "What are we gonna do first?" Kevin says. Antonio says, "I know! We should talk about who we like!" Definitely a setup. "I'll go first. You guys can probably tell but I like Emily," Mike says. Kevin says, "I like Mia." Antonio says, "I like fish. What about you Jayden?" I blush thinking about her and say, "I might like someone." Mike says, "You clearly like someone based on how red in the face you are. So who's the lucky gal? Brynn?!" The mention of her name makes my blush deepen and of course I had to admit it even if I didn't they would know by my face, "You got me. I like Brynn." Antonio says, " You more than like her. I see the way your face lights up when you see her. Just admit it! You looove her! <3" My face is bright red now. Knew there was no escaping this so I admit how I really feel, "I-I'm in l-love with B-Brynn R-Roux." Kevin says, "You should ask her out! She clearly likes you back, and she's in the kitchen getting snacks for the girls." I stutter, "I-I d-don't know about this." They tell me to go and grab snacks after I ask her out. I walk to the kitchen and of course see Brynn standing by the snack cupboard gathering snacks. I go in and say, "Hey Nyla what are you doing in here?" She says, "Grabbing some snacks for the girls and I. What about you?" I tell her, "I came here to grab some snacks, but since we're both here I have a question for you." She ask in her sweetest voice, "What is it Jay?" The way she said it made me blush. I started by making myself blush more saying, "I really really like you." This makes her blush beet red. I finish by saying, "So I was wondering if you would go out with me?" She squeals, "Yes! Yes I would love to go out with you! *cough* I mean yes as a calm lady it would be a pleasure." I ask, "How about we go for dinner tomorrow? Does that work?" She says, "As long as we're not busy saving the world. You've got yourself a date." With that she leaves. I gathered some snacks while trying to stay calm. I'm flipping out inside like what? She does actually like me. Wait could she love me? Okay woah calm down lets first go on the date before jumping to conclusions. I go back to the room and tell the guys, "She said yes! We're going for dinner tomorrow! As long as we're not saving the world that is." The guys all say smirking to each other, "Congrats."

Brynn's pov

I leave the kitchen bright red and giddy. Mia asks, "What did he say? What did you say? How did it go?" I respond, "Jayden asked me out and I said yes! We're going out for dinner tomorrow!" They all squeal with joy as we spend the rest of the night talking about what I'm going to wear tomorrow.

~the next morning~

I head to the kitchen to make some breakfast. Then I hear someone walk into the kitchen. I turn around and see Jayden. "Just who I wanted to see," I say while putting out two plates of breakfast. Jay asks, "You made breakfast for me?" I say, "Yes. Enjoy." He says, "Thank you. So how are you feeling about your new powers?" "I feel stronger, but I had a weird dream last night. There was a leopard trying to lead me somewhere. It felt as if it wasn't really there, as if it's spirit was there but his body was stuck somewhere else," I tell Jay. He looks confused and said, "Hmm that doesn't make sense...Unless!" He said this as if he realized something. He runs off and comes back with a book on all the zords. He begins skimming the pages. He lands on a page exclaiming, "Ah-ha! Here it is the legendary leopard zord. It says he was sealed away long ago, and can not be awoken unless we have the might of the silver ranger. As there is a great evil sealed away with him." I say, "Hmmmm how am I supposed to be the one to free the zord and fight this great evil?" "By not doing it alone," Mike says as he walks into the kitchen. The others follow shortly after and I dish them all breakfast.

We finish breakfast and head outside to train for a while. When the gap sensor goes off for the first time I join the team as we say, "Samurairizer! GO GO Samurai!" We get to the place where the gap sensor went off to find there's no nighlok, but a massive earthquake. I see the leopard from my dream. "Jayden the leopard from my dream!" I shout before chasing after it. I follow it to what seems like the center of the earthquake. It goes on and sits on a pedestal of sorts. That's when I spot the nighlok performing some type of ritual. "Nyla!" I hear Jayden shout. I turn and see him and the other rangers had followed me and shout, "Look, the nighlok are trying to free the evil that's sealed with the leopard zord!" They run over to see what I'm talking about. I shout, "Jay we need to use combo attack that we used yesterday to take out Octaroo this time once and for all!" He says, "Great idea! Kevin, Mike, Antonio, Mia, and Emily take care of the moogers! Brynn and I will get Octaroo!" With that the team splits up and starts to deal with the moogers. Jayden and I go after Octaroo. In unison we yell, "Blazing Thunder strike!" Hitting Octaroo interrupting the ritual. We continue our attacks until he is destroyed and goes mega mode. The others join Jayden and go mega mode. Antonio stays behind with me since I don't have a zord. Suddenly another earthquake starts and the wall along the cliff collapses. Freeing the great evil that had been trapped there for centuries. "Finally I Mercury The Poisoner am free from captivity!" The other rangers had beat Octaroo and returned to the ground to see what had happened. This guy was huge and the book said that they were going to need my help. I run over to Jayden so we can do our combo attack once again. We hit him and since he still hasn't regained all of his power from when he was in captivity he retreated to the Netherworld to wait for his power to fully return. I remember that the zord was waiting for me to free him, so I turn and run into the cave that was left from earthquake. I headed into the smaller area with the pedestal in the middle and there was a circle carved into it. Jayden came in from behind me and handed me a disk and said, "Here use this to tame the zord." I say, "Thank you." With that I put the disk into the pedestal and draw the symbol my dad taught me and said "will lead to freedom." This frees the zord and this became apparent when the walls began to shake. I draw the symbol to tame the zord and it works the rock crumbles off the walls and leaves white walls and what looks like a cockpit. Jayden comes up and hugs me. He says, "Amazing! I'm so proud of you!" We leave with the zord and return to the house and tell Ji what happened. Jayden and I decided that we would wait a couple days to go on our date in case Mercury returns. Sadly for us.

A/N Well there goes that date! What will the next chapter be about? I will release it tomorrow or Friday. For now



Stay you

Stay beautiful

See you in the next chapter!

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