Jayden's Big Duel

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Jayden's pov

I charge Deker and he charges at me. Our swords clash and we're face to face. "Why did you come back, Deker?! This is between Serrator, Nyla, and I!" "We need to finish our dual! Besides, Serrator asked me to come help deal with you! Red Ranger Pest!" I know that if I'm not careful I will lose, and Nyla will lose the one good she has left in her life. I can not let him get in my head. "If you think that's getting to me you are wrong!" I catch a glimpse of Nyla and she looks really tense. This distracts me long enough to give Deker his chance. He knocks me off my feet. Immediately I put my sword up and blocked his. "Is that all you got! You need to do better than that!" I know that I'm taunting him but I got a chance to get away cause he lifted his sword. I rolled away and stood up quickly. I hit him with my special spin sword attack. "Blazing strike!" He falls, and I know that this is far from over. "You won't win! " "Think again!" The next thing I knew I fell to the ground, and everything went black.

Brynn's pov

"Jayden!" Serrator snuck up on him well he was dueling Deker. "Serrator you can't interfere with their duel!" "I can, and I did! What are you going to do about it?!" I charge at him. "Thunderstorm strike!" "Now is not the time for games!" He shouts dodging my attack easily, and grabs me. "You're coming with me! Deker grab him! Let's go!" With that he knocks me out and takes off.

Mia's pov

Brynn was not happy about what Serrator did and we all could tell. She rushed at him trying to attack him, but he dodged her attack and knocked her out. "You're coming with me! Deker grab him! Let's go!" I shout, "You won't get away with this!" With that he's gone with Brynn and Jayden. "What are we going to do now? Serrator has the two he wants and we might not see them again." Kevin comes up behind me and hugs me. "It will be okay. We'll find them. They've been taken before, and we found them then. "Serrator is the strongest and smartest enemy we have faced!" Emily chimes in. I see Mike go up and hug Emily out the corner of my eye. "We will beat him, just like we beat everyone else Em. Trust and teamwork will get us through this." Kevin lets me out of his hug and laces his fingers with mine. "Mike's right. We need to work together. Besides Jayden and Brynn are pretty much unstoppable together." "Your right Kev. Together they could kick Serrator's butt!" I realized that Kevin was right. "I'm just worried Serrator has bigger plans for Brynn than we think. Either way we need to go back to the Shiba house, and let Ji know what happened." The others agree and we head back to inform Ji of the situation.

Jayden's pov

I wake up remembering what happened, I try to get up but realize I'm tied to a tree. "Look who's awake! Ready to finish our duel?!" I realize that I've been kidnapped. I hope Nyla's okay. "Yes! Let's do it!" I spit bitterly. He cuts the rope keeping me stuck to the tree. I prep for battle, and once again we are in our fighting stance walking small circles around each other. We charge at each other and clash swords. I hear a voice shout from behind me, "Finish him! I'm taking the girl!" I realize that Serrator has Brynn. I wanted to chase him but Deker kept me busy. He hits me, and I stumble back. He swings again, and this time I dodge it. I strike him pushing him back towards a cliff. I realize that if he takes a few more steps back he'll fall off the cliff. I slowly approach knowing we're both tired, and want to finish this battle. "It's time to end this!" I shout. "I'm glad you agree!" I take out my disk and shout, "Blazing strike!" I hit him and he stumbles back off the cliff. Finally he's defeated, so I take off in the direction Serrator went with Brynn.

~A few hours later~

I've been looking for hours and can't find them. Finally I decide to stop and call Ji so he knows I'm safe. "Ji I'm in the forest. Serrator has Brynn, and I can't keep searching. I'm too exhausted to make it back to the house." I collapse from exhaustion and don't hear what Ji said.

Ji's pov

The others were informing me of what happened when my samuraizer goes off. "Hello." "Ji I'm in the forest. Serrator has Brynn, and I can't keep searching. I'm too exhausted to make it back to the house." I hear a thud on the other end. "Jayden! Jayden!" He must have collapsed from exhaustion. "Go find Jayden! He collapsed in the forest, and he's the only one of us who can find Brynn! So hurry!"

Mike's pov

We take off to the forest and I lead the way. I can sense Jayden's presence before I see him. "Over there!" I spot him and run towards him. "Jayden are you okay?" He's out like a light. Kevin says, "We need to get him back to the house." I agree, "Yeah he needs to rest." "No!...we need....to find Brynn!" Jayden says waking up. " ....Serrator has Brynn and she needs our help to beat him!" "You're right that she needs our help, but you're in no condition to fight!" "Kevin's right Jayden you need to rest." I hear Emily say from behind me. She is so sweet and cute. "Jayden, we're going back to the Shiba house, so you can rest. We'll go search for Brynn tomorrow. It's getting too dark to search for her now." "Fine." Jayden reluctantly agrees. With that we head back.

~back at the house~

"I can't believe Serrator took off with Brynn, and left Deker to deal with Jayden." "She'll be okay Mike. Have a little faith she's strong." "Your right Em. This is probably bad timing, but I need to ask you this before I lose confidence." "What is it Mike?" "Well I really really like you, and I was wondering if you would go on a date with me?" "Yes! I would love to! *cough* I mean yes I would love to." "How about after we find Brynn?" "Yeah definitely." Kevin and Mia come running in. "What happened? We heard Emily squealing," Mia asks concerned. "Mike just asked me out!" "Congrats Em. I wish someone would ask me out." Kevin says, "I guess now is the best chance I'm gonna get. Mia I really like you, and was wondering if you would go on a date with me?" "Kevin. Yes I will go on a date with you!" Jayden runs in concerned. "Is everything okay? I heard squealing." I say, "Everything's fine Kevin just asked out Mia, and I just asked Emily out." "Well I'm glad to hear that you're happy. I wish Nyla was here." With that Jayden went back to his room to try to get some sleep. "I think we should all get some rest. We need to find Brynn tomorrow." Everyone agrees so we all head to bed.

Jayden's pov

I wish Nyla was here. Everyone else is happy and planning dates while my girlfriend is stuck with some psycho she barely stands a chance against. I try to fall asleep, but it doesn't come easily.

~the next morning~

I wake up early and head to the kitchen to eat something. I end up only eating a piece of toast. Since Nyla usually makes breakfast. I finished eating and noticed that everyone else had come in and finished eating as well. "Ready to go find Brynn Jayden?" "Yeah let's go get her.

A/N Where's Brynn? Is she okay? Find out the next chapter. As always



Stay you

Stay beautiful

See you in the next chapter!

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