It was Supposed to be a Date

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A/N As promised here's the third chapter for this week. When I deliver chapter's late like this it's because I tend to get hyper focused on things. When I start other projects this gets pushed to the back of my mind. I'm currently starting an original book and it is getting a lot of attention because it requires me to come up with everything from scratch. I'm not sure when I will release it cause I want to finish this first. In case I release it before then it's called My Trauma it does not completely retain to my life though I have been through a lot. Also as of this release it is ten days tell my birthday! I'm turning sixteen this year so I'm currently looking for a job. My job I was working was at school during lunch, but since school got canceled I'm currently not working. My family is going through a lot right now so I need to get a job to help out. Anyway I'll stop blabbering here. Enjoy the chapter!

Brynn's pov

"I don't know what to wear!" I tell Mia and Emily. Emily says, "That's why we're here to help you get ready!" We sift through all the options of what to wear and of course we came up with very different options. Mia says, " Ooo look at this, this would look perfect for a date." You wouldn't have believed the outrageous dress she picked. It was a neon pink maxi dress. So I had to break it to her softly " umm let's look at the one Emily picked before we decide." Emily laughing in the corner shares with us her pick. " I think this will really make it hard for Jayden to take his eyes off of you ;)." She brings the shortest skirt I had ever seen and the smallest shirt ever and they were both a cherry red and I look at her like she is crazy because she is. I don't even know if this counts as an outfit since there's barely any clothing to begin with. Yet I imagine the looks Jayden would give me but immediately think that's crazy not going there today. I say, " Woah Emily this is not that sort of date and hopefully won't be for a long time." Emily and Mia exchange a look that makes me blush. I know what they are thinking and I don't want to be a part of their little fantasy. So I end up deciding on a blue fit and flare dress that goes a bit above the knees with a cropped jean jacket, and some nude leggings and some cool wedges with many holes on the top. I put on some basic makeup. The girls are getting all giddy after seeing the full outfit and say that it's time for me to go. I head to the front of the house and see Jayden standing out front. He looks so handsome in his plaid shirt and blue jeans. "You look beautiful," He says to me, slightly blushing. I'm not great with complements so I get flustered and say, "Thank you. You look handsome." This makes him blush more. He reaches for my hand and says, "You ready?" I take his hand and say, "As I'll ever be." We head into town and we order a table for two at the long flamingos party house which serves seafood. A couple minutes later we are seated and the place is decorated like a fun tropical getaway with their flamingo mascot in a Hawaiian button up and sipping on some fruity drink. I smiled at him as we walked passed. The waiter seated us by the window which gave us a view of the sights and sounds from the beach not too far away. I thought of how romantic it would be to walk on it with Jayden, but snapped out of it once the waiter asked us what we would like to drink. I looked at her and she had on along with the other waiters a lai and as well as the flamingo a floral button up shirt but hers had little fishes which made it look cute and she happily took our beverage orders and left. Now it was just Jayden and I on a date. I still couldn't believe this was happening. It feels so sudden, but I'm so happy to be here with Jayden. It's been awhile since I felt this warm inside along with meeting all the other rangers. I space out thinking about this and Jayden catches me, " Heyyy, Nyla what are you going to order. I can't seem to decide." I look at him still in a sort of daze and remember oh right I have to pick something. So I look at the menu and see the various seafood options and decide to order the seafood platter hoping it wasn't too big and the description sounded tasty since it seemed to have a little bit of everything. Even things she hasn't heard about like a possible side order of Calamari or scallops. "I'm going to get the seafood platter. What do you have in mind for your order?" He nodded, " Okay. Then I will order the seafood jambalaya. It sounds good, okay and now we wait for the waiter so we can order our food..." As if summoned the waiter appears in her tropical outfit asking, " Hi welcome to the long flamingo party house what can I get for you I'm bailey your waiter." " Hello bailey I would like the seafood jambalaya." " okay and how about you young lady." "Okay I will have the seafood platter." "Okay and what would you like for your side Calamari or scallops." I look at Jayden with a confused expression since I forgot to decide and he shrugs his shoulders at me. "Um I will have the Calamari." " Okay is that it for you guys tonight?" In unison they say, " yes." She gave a quick giggle as she walked away with our menus and order. We looked at each other and laughed. " I guess we can read each other's minds ay Nyla" "heh yeah." As the laughter died down I couldn't help but feel nervous since this was my first date and I don't know what people talk about on dates. In the movies they always end up being super romantic and ending in some sort of kiss to show they loved each other and that the date went well but I'm not sure if I'm ready for that. But if Jayden did try to kiss me I wouldn't mind but anyways getting off track what should we talk about and as if he heard me he said, " Hey Nyla um well I want to be honest I um am kind of nervous since this is my first date and I'm with such a beautiful woman like you I um don't know what to say but I do know what I want to say is that I um well when I said I really really like you I meant that I um heh wow this is hard to say." " It's okay Jayden this is my first date too and it's a relief to hear that you're nervous because I am too and um its okay I love you too." Omg I said it I told him I loved him it just kinda came out I began turning bright red and so did Jayden. We avoided looking at each other for a bit since we were flustered but Jayden said." Thanks I um I'm glad to hear that and I um since this is a date maybe we could ask each other questions to get to know each other better." I nodded, " okay hmm well then you go first." "Okay um what's your favorite animal?" "Ooh okay um I'd say wolf." " That's a great animal. I'd say mine is a Tiger." " ooh interesting that makes sense." "Wait what? About what?" " oh nothing don't worry about it" "Hmm okay I'm watching you Nyla.." I giggle " so mister Jayden the fierce tiger what is your favorite childhood memory?" " Um I'd have to say when My dad had his friend over to the house and he had with him a cute little girl and I got to play with her we played all sorts of games like tag and only because she was cute dolls but it made her smile so I was happy to play." He looks at Brynn and her eyes look glossy. " Nyla are you okay did I say something wrong?" " No, no I just had forgotten about that, because I also remember going to a little boys house with my dad and him playing dolls with me." Jayden looked at her with shock, " Wait that cute little girl was you...! Wait that makes so much sense but now you are both beautiful and cute.." I blush at his kind words, " T-thank you." There was a calm silence as we both looked each other in the eyes at that moment it felt like I loved him even more...." Here's your order." The silence was broken by the large platter of food coming toward us. I looked at Jayden with wide eyes and he returned the same expression. Then came a small bowl of what I assume is the seafood jambalaya and then a small plate of what could only be the Calamari and I finally decided to ask the waiter, " what is Calamari?" She said, "Oh that missy is battered and fried octopus." I winced thinking of how terrible it felt to be caught by Octaroo and that I might eat his kind. Jayden returned the same look. But we told her thank you either way he said "So it looks like you're not eating Calamari." I looked at him and giggled " Over my dead body." Then I looked at my plate and realized I can not finish this on my own. "Hey Jayden, would you like to share this with me? I definitely won't finish this by myself." His eyes seemed to sparkle after I said this and he gladly agreed. The platter came with an assortment of sea creatures like clams and crawdads and some fish but to our discovery at the bottom was some pasta and it looked like spaghetti noodles and we looked at each other with childish eyes as to how cool this platter was and we both dug into the spaghetti mindlessly eating the spaghetti when I got a noodle that seemed to be pulling me closer. Naturally I wanted to get to the end but it seemed never ending. The next thing I knew I had gotten to the end but there was something else that came with it..... It- it was Jayden's lips. We touched lips... So we kissed I can't believe it and as shocked as we both were we pulled away blushing. The rest of the evening went well and we had some laughs but I couldn't get the accidental kiss out of my head. It was actually really nice in a strange way. Once we both finished what was mostly my order we got the bill and started heading out when Jayden grabbed my hand and asked, " Um I know it's kinda late but would you like to walk on the beach with me?" I almost screamed yes but kept my cool, " Yeah sure I'd love to." We're headed towards the beach when Jayden's samuraizer goes off I can hear Jayden say, "We're on our way." I ask, "What's going on?" He responds, "Master Xandred has returned." We run to the place that Ji said to go to and see that there's a second red ranger drawing a symbol. She hits him with it and it doesn't get rid of him but it weakens him. Jayden exclaims, "How did that not work!" I ask, "What was that?" He says, "That was the sealing symbol! All it did was weaken him!" I tell him, "He's weakened! We can attack him now!" Jayden realized what I was thinking and agreed we morphed and rushed at Xandred. We yell, "Blazing Thunder Strike!" This made him too weak so he returned to the nether. Another Nighlok showed up in his place. "I've missed this. Battling inferior humans in this wretched world." "Who are you?!" "You don't remember me Nyla. How rude you don't remember the person who killed both your parents?" "Serrator! You will pay for what you did to my parents!" I charged at him and hit him with a special move. "Thunderbolt strike!" This does little damage. I hit him with something stronger, the one thing my dad left me with. "Thunder and lightning fury!" This injured him and Jayden charged at him. "Blazing strike!" That destroys his first form. The team goes mega mode and I join them. I shout, "Leopard zord! Mega mode power!" I see the cockpit of the zord and it's beautiful. In front of me is the place where I put my spin sword. I put it in and Jayden says, "Nyla we need your zord armorment! Now!" With that I shout, "Samurai Armorment!" I combine with the other zord and we all shout, "Leopard Speedy MegaZord ready!" I look to Jayden for approval to launch an attack and he nods. I yell, " Triple claw slice!" It does a great amount of damage and then Jayden says, "We need to do our final strike." So we all unfold our swords and shout, "Samurai katana strike!" Then slash the air and destroy Serrator. We get out of the zords and the others head back to the house. I stay behind with Jayden since we were suppose to be on a date. Jayden said, "You know it's not the most romantic first date, but I'd say it was successful first date. We destroyed Serrator which is what he gets for messing with my girl, but Master Xandred and Mercury are still out there." I tell him, "One step at a time. Besides he was in the netherworld so maybe he got stuck there for now since Xandred's weakened. Plus we can go for a walk along the beach to make up for the interruption. Also what did you just call me?" He nods and replies, "I like that idea, and I called you my girl." "Is that your way of asking me to be your girlfriend?" "Yes. Will you be my girlfriend?" "I will. Now let's head to the beach." So we end up walking on the beach for a bit and decide to sit to watch the sunset. We sat on the warm sand and I cuddled up by Jayden and he wrapped his arms around me when he notices me shivering. I ask him, "Am I the first person you've wanted to go on a date with?" He answers, "Yes and it's not the first date I imagined it would be, but I'm glad it was with you." I smile and say, "Well I'm glad that you enjoyed it." I leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He looked at me wide eyed and surprised. "Did you just give me a kiss on the cheek?" I shyly nod and he leans in to give me a real kiss. It sent tingles all through me. I wish it was longer. But it felt good I blushed and started snuggling up against him and I fell asleep in his arms again.

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