Recovering spirit

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A/N sorry for the wait for this chapter. I've been swamped with work from school and I recently started writing other books. If you like supernatural or criminal minds I reccomend the book on my second account. That is if your okay with mature content. I have four chapters published and two more that I'm currently editing so I can publish them. For now enjoy!

Jayden's pov

I can't believe this happened. I wanted to protect you but you were determined to protect me too. "Nyla I'm sorry this happened to you." It's been twelve hours and there's still no sign off the nighlok. "Jayden I might be able to help you with getting her spirit back.""How Antonio?!" "It requires you and the teams symbol power, so we can finish the clawzord." "Let's do it. Ji watch over her." He nods and I take off with Antonio to gather the team. "We need to finish the clawzord! It's the only way to save Brynn." Antonio is explian how to fix it to the team. Once he's done explaining how to fix it we all take out our spin swords. We spin the disk on our swords and shout, "Live!" Several times before the zord was fixed. Once he is fixed Splitface is lured out of the netherworld. "What?! How am I back here?! I was in the nether!" "It's simple when you attacked Jayden and Brynn I marked you with the symbol I've been using to fix the clawzord. Once he was fully fixed I knew it would draw you out." I say, "Enough talk! I want Nyla's soul back!" I charge at him "Blazing strike!" I hit him and knock him back into a cement pillar. "Why can't I split?!" I keep striking at him. "Give me Nyla's soul back!" He move moves away. "Never!" Antonio charges at him from behind. "Baricuda blade!" This destroys his first form. "Leave this to me." Anonio goes megamode with the clawzord. He finishes off the nighlok quickly, and returns to the ground. We rush back to the house, and find Nyla up and about. "Jayden!" "How are you feeling Nyla?" "Better now that I have my soul back." I go and hug her. "I'm sorry that your soul got taken. It should've been me." "It's not your fault. I pushed you out of the way. You need to stop being so hard on yourself." "Your right it was your choice." I let her out of the hug and she heads back to her room. "Thanks for protecting me Nyla." "Anytime Jay. Anytime." I smile at that and head to my room to get some rest.

~his dream~

"Mercury. We need to stop that girl." I know that voice it's Serrator. "Yes brother I know." Mercury is Serrator's brother! "We're being watched." "It's that pesky red ranger. We know you're watching. We're coming for you! Better watch your back!" Serrator runs up behind me. "Stay out of my way, or you'll become a squashed bug under my foot!" "If you keep messing with my girlfriend I'll keep standing in your way! You mess with the thunder you get the fire." "Then you shall feel my wrath!" "You over estimate your strength." He charges at me agian. "Not so fast Serrator!" "Mercury! Stay of my way!" "You both need to stay out of my way! I see you agian and neither of you will be very happy!"

~end dream~

"Nyla!" I jolt awake shouting her name. She runs into the room. "What's wrong Jay?" "Mercury is Serrator's brother, and there coming for you!" "They won't get very far." "What do you mean?" "There's something you don't know." "What is it Ny?" "Myfamily was tasked with protecting his seal. Clearly I failed, but freeing the leopard zord triggered a fail safe. That should stop Mercury from regaining full strength. If we defeat Serrator again he loses any power he has gained back." "That's good. Isn't it?" "Not really. If we destroy Serrator the fail safe will be destroyed. If that happens I will likely not survive." "What?!" "Jay I know it's hard to hear, but we need to defeat Serrator. If we do that Mercury will rampage, and will destroy everything I know and love. So I have to sacrifice myself to rebuild the fail safe. That is if I want to safe everyone." "There has to bee another way!" "There is but it's to dangerous." "Why?" "Because I have to find someone I've never known to help, and besides it will cause a massive storm." "Who do you have to find?" "My sister." With that she leaves my room. I want to say something, but I can't bring myself to. I fall back asleep thinking about what Nyla just told me.

~a few days later~

We're outside training when the gap sensor goes off. "Serrator's back at the peir." We all run to the peir. "Serrator!" "Red ranger! Just the person I want to see!" "What do you want from us?" Nyla yells. "You know what I want! To destroy your fail safe that is keeping my brother weak!" "That won't happen! You have to get through me first!" I charge at Serrator hitting him. "You think I hadn't thought of that! I will deal with you all later!" He leaves and sends a nighlok in his place. "What do we have here?" "Nighlok we will destroy you!" "I'm Yamiror and I'm gonna make you all sick!" "Not if I can help it!" Nyla starts to charge at him but I stop her. "We can't risk you getting sick. We need you in top form to stop Mercury and Serrator." She understands my point. "Go with Kevin to catch the swordfish zord." "Me? I can't leave in the middle of a battle!" "Kevin, you can and will the swordfish zord was spotted at Limintau beach if we don't act now it might vanish again." "Fine! I'll go Brynn let's go!" I can't risk almost losing her again. Once she's gone I charge at Yamiror. "If you think you can get at her your wrong!" I shout at him hitting him a couple times. Then he burps some poisening stench in my face, and it sends me flying back. I demorph hitting the ground immobilized. "Ugh." I manage to get my samuraizer and call for help. "Ji. We need you're help! A nighlok posioned us." "I'm on my way. Hang in there." I hang up and it all goes black.

Kevin's pov

We get to the beach and find a good spot to start fishing. After I cast a lure a few times I hear Brynn's samuraizer go off. "What's going on Ji?" She pauses waiting for an answer. "What?! I'm on my way back!" She starts walking and pauses as if being told not to go back. "I need to be with him! He's there for me when I get hurt it's my turn to return the favor." She hangs up and turns to me informing of the situation. "Jayden and the others have been poisoned. I'm going back to help out. Ji said you need to stay here and catch that zord as it might be the only thing that can save them." With that she leaves leaving me to catch the zord on my own.

A/N Will Kevin catch the zord and save them? Will Brynn be able to help Jayden in a time of need? How will Jayden react when he finds out Brynn came back to help against his wishes? Find out in the next chapter! As always



Stay you

Stay beautiful

And I will see you all in the next chapter!

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