Brynn's past

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A/N Sorry this chapter is so late. I want to start by saying that Brynn is 19 as with the other rangers. I meant release sooner but me and me friend have been really busy. Anyways enjoy the chapter!

Brynn's pov ~9 years ago ~

I'm back in my backyard with my dad painting symbols. "Good. It's time to take a break. I'm headed to my friend's house. Would you like to come?" "I would dad." "Let's go then." Then I hear my mom scream. "Nyla stay here! I'm gonna go check on your mom!" He runs into the house and I stay outside for a few minutes then I realize the house is on fire. I don't hear anything inside. I'm worried about my parents, so I run inside to find my mom laying on the ground not moving. "Serrator, you won't get away with this!" I hear my dad shout. I run outside to find him, but I don't see him. I see the silver ranger fighting Serrator. I run back inside and go to grab my mom. She isn't breathing anymore, and I know there's nothing I can do. Quickly I gather what I can before the fire grows to close. I go back outside, and see my dad laying on the ground barely conscious. "Dad! Dad! Stay with me!" "One day you will be called upon to save the world. You must do it for me. I love you my daughter." I felt the life leave his body. "Nyla I will destroy you!" I look up to see the thing called Serrator charging at me when someone jumps in front of me taking the hit. I look to see the red ranger. "Run! Go! Find somewhere safe and hide!" I ran to the friends house my dad and I were going to go visit that day. I run through the gate, and bang on the door. "Please! Open the door! Let me in!" Someone I don't know opens the door. "Sir I'm sorry to come banging on your door like this, but I need somewhere safe to hide from Serrator. Help me please!" I see the little boy I always play with. "Come in quickly." I run inside and head straight to the boy. "Is your dad here?" "No he went to help someone in need." I turn to the man. "Can I stay here until his dad get's back?" "Yes you can. Where is your father?" "He's.....dead. Someone by the name of Serrator killed him...." He looks at me with empathy in his eyes "....I'm sorry to hear that.... Hmm Do you want a snack?" "I'm not hungry. Can...I... play with him?" I say shyly "Yes until his dad arrives." I go into the dojo with the boy. " Hey do you want to play dolls with me?" "Sure." We played for a while until we heard the front door open. I look to see his dad come in. "Hey just got back oh well hello there. Where is your dad sweetie?" He looked exhausted but I answered "I um think he was um he was killed by a man named Serrator... and my mom died from breathing in too much smoke in the house fire." I start tearing up, he kneels down and gives me a tight hug and says "I'm sorry to hear that sweetie. You can stay here if you want." Then he let go of me still looking me in the eyes with empathy "Thank you for the offer, but I don't think I can stay here. I need to stay hidden. If I stay here I'm putting you and your family at risk." I say this against my desire to stay with them since my father knew them but I knew it wouldn't be right "Okay then you can go, but take this. Your dad told me to give this to you if something were to happen to him." It's a small pouch with a necklace in it, and a small chest with a thunderbolt on it. "Thank you. I have to get going now." "It was no problem, but your dad said for you to not open that chest until the time came. You will know when it's time." "Okay. Goodbye now." I left and ran into the forest. That was the last time I was in the city.

~present time~

I wake up to find that I'm tied to a tree. I look around and see that I'm by the cave I once called home. "Finally decided to wake up did you." "Serrator! Let me go! Now!!" "Never! You need to pay for what you did!" I don't know what I did, but I realize that he didn't take my samuraizer. I call Jayden. "I didn't do anything. You're the one who has me tied up by my old house." "You think you are so innocent! Your family kept my brother locked away for centuries!" "I can't talk, about that cause I didn't know he was locked away there until three days ago." I know I've said enough when I hear a soft okay from my samuraizer. "Your family line will be destroyed!"

Jayden's pov

We were in the forest looking for Nyla when my samuraizer goes off. I answer and hear Nyla say, "I didn't do anything. You're the one who has me tied up by my old house." "You think you're innocent! Your family kept my brother locked away for centuries!" "I can't talk, about that cause I didn't know he was locked away there until three days ago." She paused long enough for me to know that she was talking to me. I say softly, "Okay." I hang up, and head straight towards the cave. "Come on guys! I know where Nyla is!" "Who's Nyla?" They ask. I don't answer, but they follow me anyway. Once we're close enough to see where Nyla is we wait and watch. Serrator charges towards Nyla and I jump in front of her shouting, "Blazing Strike!" This made Serrator mad. "You dare medal in my affairs!" "You mess with my girlfriend! That makes it my problem too! Don't underestimate us!" Mike and Kevin strike him from behind. I turn around and cut the rope keeping Nyla stuck to the tree. She jumps up and morphs. "Thanks for the save Jay." "No problem. Ready to take this guy out?" "Let's do it!" "Blazing Thunder Storm!" We hit him with a new combo move, and this throws him off balance. "You haven't seen the last of me!" He retreats to the netherworld, and I demorph before turning Brynn and pulling her into a hug. "I'm okay Jay." I pull back, and look into her eyes. "I'm sorry I let this happen to you." "Jay it's not your fault. Serrator attacked you while you were fighting Deker, and I ran at him cause he cheated." It's comforting to know she was protecting me, but I should've done better. "Stop blaming yourself." She said as if reading my mind. "You really are the sweetest person I know." I pull her into a kiss. She kissed me back. I pull back surprised. "That's the first time you've kissed me back." She smirks. "It's the first time I had the chance to." Mike interrupts us saying, "Enough with that get a room!" I just laugh and kiss Nyla again to mess with him. I go to pull away but Nyla keeps me there a few seconds longer. We pull apart and I take her hand. "I won't let this happen to you ever again. I promise." We start to walk back a bit behind the others when I hear a noise from behind us. "Did you hear something?" "Yeah I did." We turn around to see a nighlok. "You think we'd let you get away that easy!" We morph and start to fight but he keeps splitting apart. "I'm gonna steal your soul!" He says to me. Nyla pushes me out the way and her soul gets taken instead. "In twenty-four hours she will be stuck in a eternal sleep! I'm going back to the nether until then! Bye-bye!" With that he returns to the netherworld. "Nyla! NO! I promised to protect you! I failed again!" I pick her up and run back to the house.

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