Saving Jayden

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A/N Sorry I haven't posted in a while there's a lot going on in my life right now. Also sorry if this chapter is all over the place but either way enjoy!
Brynn's pov

It's been three hours now and the rangers are getting worse. Kevin still hasn't caught the swordfish zord, and the nighlok is back. Which means I'm the only one able to fight. Jayden starts to get up, but I stop him. "Stay here I've got this. You're in no condition to fight." I start to leave when I hear him say, "Be careful I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you." I leave keeping his words in mind. I get to where the nighlok was detected to discover him being fought by another red ranger and another silver ranger. "Ariya? Is that you?" "Nyla?" "It's me sis." We run up to each other hugging. Our reunion was interrupted by the other red ranger saying, "Can you guys do this later? I need some help!" We let go and I morph joining the battle. "Yimor you'll pay for what you did to my boyfriend!" I take out my power disk. "Lightning storm!" I strike him. He flew backwards falling. "Take that!" Behind me I hear footsteps behind us. I turn to see Jayden and the other three poisoned rangers. "Jay?! What are you doing here! I told you I got this." He just responds, "You can't fight alone. Besides Kevin's on his way back with the swordfish zord. Though I see your not alone. Lauren? Is that you?" "It's me Jay." "It's great to see you again, but whose the other silver ranger?" I answer him saying, "This is my twin sister Ariya. My parents sent her into hiding when we were five. If something were to happen to me someone had to take my place. Though we can talk about this later right now there's a battle to fight." Jayden charges him and gets hit with more of his poisonous gas. "Jayden! You will pay for that nighlok!" You say charging at him again. He burps at you Areli jumping in front of you to keeping the stench from you. "Ariya! What have you done?!" "I'm protecting my little sister." She demorphs smiling as she says that. The moment is ruined by that creep Yimor. "How nice I get to ruin a family reunion." "First Jayden now my sister! You will pay for this!" "Well looks I'm drying got to go see you all later." He disappears into a crack and I turn my attention back to Ariya. "Sis I'm sorry this happened to you. Please forgive me for what I've done." "Nyla you didn't do anything. I want to protect you. Especially since you spent most of the past nine years alone." "How do you know?" "My guardian told me when he got word. He was going to get you, but you were off the grid." I look up to see Jayden in doubled over in pain from the second round of poison. "Jay!" You run over to him he looks sickly pale and barely conscious. You look to the other red ranger and say, "Lauren? I think that's what Jay called you. I need your help getting the other rangers somewhere safe well we wait for Ji." She nods her head and helps move Emily first. Then we move Mai, then Mike, and then Antonio. Leaving two more. We head back to grab Ariya and Jay to find that there not alone someone was with them. "Who are you?!" I shout realizing who it is. "Luna?!" She was a friend I had when I was little. She helped me get through the trauma of seeing both my parents die. "Brynn? Is that you? I thought-" I cut her off. "Long story short that's my twin sister." I don't say anymore and run up to her giving her a huge hug. "I've missed you." "I've missed you and I have news." "Great, but can we talk about this later. I have to help get them to safety." She nods her head and you move Ariya well Lauren moves Jayden. With that I call and tell Ji what happened. He said to stay put and that he would be there shortly. "Luna what did you want to tell me?" "I found out that family use to work with the Shiba's until my Uncle Mercury turned evil." "Your uncle?! Wait what's your dad's name?!" You say shaky and uncertain. "Serrator." "I'm sorry but you need to leave it's not safe to be around me." She starts to retort but Ji pulls up stopping her. "Look Luna it's not because I don't like you. I do, but your dad and uncle hate me and are trying to kill me. I don't want you caught in the crossfire." She smiles sadly. "I understand." "Wait maybe there is a way you can still be with me, but I need to work a few things out. Meet me at our special spot in three days." "Okay. See you then Brynn." She smiles leaving. Ji just asks, "Who was that?" "A childhood friend." I state simply helping Ji get the rangers back the house.

~back at the house~

A few more hours went by and Kevin still wasn't back. "Where is he?" I ask getting impatient. The gap sensor triggered again. "Not now!" You run to check out where the attack is, and run off to deal with it. You get there and see Kevin. "Kevin! You're back!" I hear steps behind me and know that the other rangers had followed you. "Kevin do your thing!" He nods. "Hydro bow!" He shouts than placing the swordfish zord's disk on his bow. "Purifying rain!" He shouts shooting his bow. I see the other rangers bodies relax as if a huge weight had been lifted from there shoulders. "Your turn nighlok!" Kevin shouts hitting him with the rain that had just cured the others. "Ahhhhh!" He shouts distraught. "That's what you get for messing with us!" You charge shouting, "Lightning storm!" He explodes. "Leopard zord! Megamode power!" the others quickly join you, so you can finally destroy this creep. "Leopard zord armorment!" You shouted combining with the other zords. "Leopard speedy megazord ready!" You all shout. "Triple claw strike!" You yell fed up with this guy. "Katana power! Samurai strike!" You all shout finally destroying this guy. "Samurai rangers victory is ours." I hear Jayden say before it all goes dark.

A/N I know a lot happened in this chapter three new character's were introduced. Plus a lot of other things. Sorry about that .This chapter was harder to right than I thought it would be. Sorry if it doesn't make a lot of sense that's what an editor is for. Once again S/O to my best friend! As always



Stay you

Stay beautiful

And see you all in the next chapter!


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