They Learn the Truth

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 A/N I meant to post this sooner but had some stuff come up. The second chapter for this week will be out tomorrow or Friday. Until then enjoy!

Mike's pov

I was starting to worry about Brynn and Jayden; they left at seven this morning and it's eight a clock in the evening. "Where are they?" I ask right as the gap sensor went off. "I don't know but I'll call Jayden, you need him," Ji said. We look at the map and see that the attack is in the forest. We take off to check it out. The attack is by a burned down house that looks like it's been abandoned for years. We see Jayden and Brynn tied to a tree, and it looks like they're unconscious. We see the nighlok and realize it's Octaroo. Kevin says, "Mia, Emily go help Jayden and Brynn. Mike, Antonio come with me we will handle Octaroo until the others join us." We all whisper, "Okay."

I follow Kevin's lead and we attack Octaroo at the same time with a spin sword and Barracuda Blade attack. As hard as we tried Octaroo knocked Antonio and Kevin out, leaving me barely conscious then retreating to the netherworld. I shout, "Mia, Emily come help me!" They come running and Emily asks, "What happened?" I manage to stumble out, "H-he w-was to st-strong," before I fell unconscious.

Emily's pov

"Mike! Mike! Please wake up!" I yelled. "Em he's out cold he can't hear you. I'm going to call mentor, we need his help. Especially since Jayden and Brynn are still out cold as well," Mia tells me. "Your right we can't leave them out here and we can't carry them all back," I say to her. She calls him and informs him of the situation. She tells me, "He's on his way. He said to stay safe until he got here. I wonder what Jayden and Brynn were doing all the way out here anyways." I look over and see Jayden start to stir awake. I exclaim, "Mia! Look Jayden's waking up!" She sees and runs over to him asking him, "Can you stand? Are you okay?" All he said was, "Where's Brynn?" I look to where she was laying and she's gone. I say, "She was right there! Now she's gone!" That's when he got up and ran to the horse we saw and took off with it to look for her. Ji arrived right after he took off.

Jayden's pov

Emily said she was there and now she's gone. I grabbed her horse and took off looking for her. I know Octaroo took her, he must know the truth about her. Luckily she didn't have the map with her, we wanted to check out the house first. So even if Octaroo has her he can't get what he wants which is her power. Then I realize he might torture her to get the answers he wants. Then I saw them by the mountain near a lake. She was tied to the tree and it looked like he'd hurt her pretty bad. I stopped Chance and climbed off. I snuck up and untied her when he wasn't paying attention and picked her up and ran back to where I left Chance. I climbed on and put her in my lap and raced home.

*at the house*

I pick her up and race inside. I take her and put her in a bed in the medical area and yell, " She's hurt! Really badly!" Ji raced over and realized how bad it was. She was pale and bleeding. Ji said to Mia and Emily, "I need your help, we need to slow the bleeding. Get the stitching kit." We all know it won't stop the bleeding but it will help slow it enough for the body to scab over it on it's own. I sat down next to her and grabbed her hand once Ji finished stitching the gash on her arm. To my surprise she squeezed it letting me know she was awake. I tell Ji, "She's awake. She squeezed my hand." That surprised him since she looked and felt like she was out cold. I stay with her all night because I don't want her to be alone during trying times, and when she isn't healthy. She'd been through enough of those times.

*The next morning*

Ji and I agreed it was time to tell the team why Brynn was really here. once we're all gathered in the meeting room. I start off saying, "I need tell you all something about Brynn." Mike is the first to say something, "What? Is she suppose to be a samurai too?" He said jokingly. I then say, "She is and I've been assigned the task of helping her find her samurairizer. Which has proven more difficult than expected. As you all know from today the nighlok are after her power too." Once I finish talking I see Bree leaning against the door frame. I say to her, "You can come sit with us. How are you feeling? She comes and sits down well saying, "Better thanks for staying with me last night." I blush knowing that no one else knew about that. I say flustered, " We're discussing you and your power." Kevin started saying mean things like, "You're suppose to be one of us?! You're too weak to work with us. Did your dad tell you would be one of us." I bud in, "Kevin stop! You've taken it to far." Then Bree runs out on the verge of tears. "You need to learn to be accepting," I tell him sternly. I dismiss them and run after Bree.

Brynn's pov

I ran off after Kevin mentioned my dad because I wasn't over a lot of what I had learned recently. I decided to go outside to get some fresh air. I sat down on the steps when I heard the door open. I look to see Jayden coming over to me. "Hey you okay?" He asks me. I just shake my head. He asks me, "Wanna talk about?" I say, "Talking about him is really hard. Especially with what I've learned recently." I say practically balling my eyes out. He just comes and sits next me wrapping his arms around me. I lean in closer to him and lay my head on his chest. I fall asleep in his arms listening to his breathing and heartbeat.

Jayden's pov

I went outside to find Brynn on the steps hugging her knees to chest. She looked back and saw me. I asked her, "Hey you okay?" She just shook her head. As I'm walking to her I ask, "Wanna talk about it?" I can tell the subject is hard for her to talk about. She said, "Talking about him is really hard. Especially with what I've learned recently." At this point she is balling her eyes out. So instead of asking more questions I sit down and wrap my arms around her. Then she leans into me and lays her head on my chest. We stay there for a while. Then I realize she fell asleep and decide to take her back inside. I pick her up bridal style and take her to her room and put her in bed. I leave after I tuck her in and I have a huge smile on my face. That's when the gap sensor went off.

*time skip back at the house*

I go straight to check on Bree and see how she's doing. She's smiling while studying the map her father gave her. Little did she know that Octaroo gave us an ultimatum. I knock and she says, "Come in." I have to tell her. I start, "Hey I need to talk to you. Can I sit?" She nods and pats the spot on bed next to her. "We went to check out what was happening with gap sensor to find that Octaroo was there with a bunch of moogers and a lot of innocent people tied up. Then he saw us and said 'Bring Brynn and the map or I will torture all these innocent people.' The only way we could make it out with these people and you is if we figured out how to rescue the people, but we needed time so Kevin bought us four hours by telling him, 'We need to get her and bring her back. Plus let her know what's going on, and to do that we need time,' " I tell her. She says, "What if we make a fake map and you take me and hand me over than free the people. Get them to safety and come back for me, or have the rangers sneak up on the moogers and him once you get the people to safety." I started, "No. No wa-" Ji cut me off saying, "It might be the only way." The others come up behind him and say, "Yeah. Mentor's right." I want to argue but I know there's no point. She starts to work on the fake map, and once she has that finished we take her to Octaroo. "Octaroo! We're back and we have Brynn and the map," I tell Octaroo, "Untie the people and we'll hand her over." He starts to untie the people and we give her over. "Forgive me Nyla," I say under my breath. I charge Octaroo and keep him busy while the others got the people to safety. Brynn got grabbed by moogers and dropped the fake map. The others come back and took care of the moogers. Then we all ran off with Brynn between us.

Octaroo's pov

They thought they could trick me. I shout, "They dropped the map get it! Thought they were so clever that they sadly dropped the map! That's what I really wanted!" Master Xandred won't be happy that I lost the girl again, but I got the map! That's more important, but just for his sake I'll set up a trap for the girl one more time.

A/N  I hope you enjoyed sparks are flying! What will happen next? Find out in the next chapter!

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