Finding the Power

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Sorry this chapter is so late since I only released one chapter last week so you get three this week. Enjoy!

Brynn's pov

We raced home and started planning how to go about finding my power. We decided that we would leave first thing after breakfast tomorrow. For now we all decide to take a well deserved break. I go into my room and decide to study the map one more time, and realize that there is another riddle towards the bottom to find the last location. I realize that it was done to keep the nighlok from finding it.

"Bright as diamonds,

Loud as thunder,

Never still, always falling

A thing of wonder.

Come in close

Smaller me is fun

Bigger is danger

What am I?"

I read it aloud. "A waterfall," Jayden answers solving the riddle. "You scared me Jay," I say to him. "Sorry I was coming to check on you since we had a really close call today." I tell him, "I'm fine just a little shaken, I'm just gonna try to get some sleep. I didn't sleep very well last night." He responds, "Alright get some rest. Goodnight Bree." "Goodnight," I tell him. Then I fall asleep knowing he saved me today.

*the next morning after breakfast*

That morning I went back to my old home, and met the rangers there. We went where the map said to go. I decided it was best not to bring it in case Octaroo had something else planned. Luckily I had it memorized. It led us to a mountain with a river flowing from it. We went up to the top of the waterfall to see if there were any clues on how to get behind it. Then I notice a path that leads down behind it. We follow the path and see a big rock with a riddle carved into it. I translate it from my dad's language, "It reads,

'What can run but never

walks, has a mouth but

never talks, has a head but

never weeps, has a bed

but never sleeps?'

"A river. We need to follow the river according to the this it says to follow the answer. It will lead us to where we need to be." We head back up to the top of the waterfall to find Octaroo waiting.

Jayden's pov

Octaroo is at the top of the waterfall when we get back up top. He sends his moogers after us which we destroy easily. I then charge at him and he knocks me back into Brynn and we fall of the edge of the cliff. I grab her with one hand and a root with the other. "I'm slipping!" She yells. I tell her, "You won't fall I've got you. Guys the root is starting to break," I tell the other rangers. "Hang in there we've almost got it!" They shout down to us. They used hook shaped stick and lowered it to us but it was too late. We fell straight into the rushing river rapids and I hug Brynn close to me so we don't get separated. She holds tight to me. Until we run straight into a rock the last thing I feel is my back slam straight into it.

Kevin's pov

We tried to to lower them a hook shaped branch, but we were to late. The stick they were holding onto broke and they fell into the river and rushed away with the water.

We raced down to the river and tried to find them but we'd lost them. We walked the rocky riverside trying to find them until it started to get dark. I say, "We need to head back it's getting to be too dangerous to look for them along the river. Besides if Jayden's with Brynn they'll be fine." Emily says, "Your right Kevin, but I don't want to leave them out here." We agree to head back since we don't want to worry Ji and inform him of what's going on. He tells us that we'll head back out tomorrow to find them.

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