Let's Finish This

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A/N Oops been a while since I've updated for you all. My life has been pretty rough lately and I just haven't had the time or motivation to right. Sorry this update is late I just can't be consistent with the amount of stuff going on. I promise I'll try to finish this up soon this book is coming near its end, but don't worry I already have a plan for a sequel if y'all so wish. This is probably the last chapter in this book honestly, but I intend to write a epilogue. For now enjoy the new/final chapter.

Jaeden's pov

"Samurai Rangers victory is ours," I say and see Brynn pass out. "Brynn! Guys we need to get Brynn back to the house now!" I shout worried about her not knowing what happened to her. We rush back the house panicking and I rush to Brynn's room well the others go to find Ji and inform him of what's going on. Once I set her on the bed I sit down next to her on the bed. "Brynn I don't know if you can hear me right now but I want- no need to tell you how I feel. You're the best thing that has ever walked into my life and I can't imagine a future without you. I wake up every morning and your first thing I think of. The last thing I think of when I go to sleep. What I'm trying to say is I-I love you." I have no idea if she heard me or not but I couldn't wait any longer to say it. I get up and walk out of the room knowing that she'll be okay because she's a fighter. Besides I have something I need to do.

Brynn's pov

I come too in my bed with Jaeden sitting beside me on the edge of the bed hand in mine. I hear him start to say something, "Brynn I don't know if you can hear me right now but I want- no need to tell you how I feel. You're the best thing that has ever walked into my life and I can't imagine a future without you. I wake up every morning and your first thing I think of. The last thing I think of when I go to sleep. What I'm trying to say is I-I love you." I don't get the chance to say anything before he gets up and walks out of the room. Moments later Ji walks in noticing that I'm awake. "Your awake good. The Rangers informed me of the situation and I came to check on you. How are you feeling?" "Tired really tired. Honestly I haven't been sleeping well lately." He nods, "Let me know if you need anything for now get some sleep." I nod and he leaves me to get some sleep. I fall asleep with one question on my mind 'Why did Jaeden leave me alone?'

~A few hours later~

I wakeup after a long well needed rest. Just then I hear the gap sensor go off. I jumped up and ran out to the main room to see the rangers running out with me behind them. They notice and Emily turned to question me, "Shouldn't you be resting?" "I'm fine besides it looks like you're a man down," I say blatantly noticing Jaeden's absence. I can tell she wants to argue but decides against it since we have a battle to get to besides it could our biggest battles yet. We get there pretty quickly and see Master Xandred there fighting with Jaeden who somehow beat us here. The rest of us transform and charge to help him. Xandred is still weak from the last time we fought. A few moments pass before Jaeden and I attack together, "Blazing thunder strike!" Hitting him destroying his first first form again. We immediately go mega to be ready for Xandred. "You will never defeat me!" He shouts clearly frustrated. "I'd think twice about that!" I heard from a familiar voice behind as he gets destroyed for the final time. I know this for certain since it was our special family symbol that pushed through him causing him to explode. "We did it!" I shout running over to Jaeden hugging him, "We finally destroyed the man who has been hunting your family for centuries." "All that's left is to defeat Serrator and  Mercury and we're home free," He says excited but slightly dampening the mood by bringing them up. We return to the house and let sensei know what happened. We were all relieved to have defeated him once and for all., but that doesn't help the fact that Mercury and Serrator are still out there. We take this victory and celebrate though cause they have yet to make another move.

A/N I know I know that it's  short and not very long but it's two am where I live and I need sleep. Besides this ending leads to new beginning. Y'all understand soon enough. Anyways as always,



Stay you

Stay beautiful

And I'll see y'all in the next book


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