Audrey's POV
"Kelley knock it off." Alex says as we pull up to Miami Freedom Park for our game against the English which will be our final game of the 2022 SheBelieves Cup.
Kelley's trying to talk to me again, but right now isn't the best time.
"Finally." I say when the bus doors open. "Come on Balto."
Balto and I get out of our seats, leave the bus, then head to the locker room.
When I get to the locker room I head to my locker then take off my necklaces, earrings, and nose ring before I start to change I then change into my warm up shirt, game shorts, my socks and my rainbow and white boots.
After I'm dressed I head out to the pitch with the rest of the team. When I get on the pitch I run through my warm ups with the starters for a while then head back to the locker room.
Once in the locker room I change out of the training top and change into our White jersey. After I'm dressed I wait around in my locker as the coaching staff do their last minute talks then the starters and I head to the tunnel and I line up behind Alex.
When the ref tells us too we head onto the field then stand in line for the anthems. After the anthems we shake hands with the English then we shake hands with the refs.
While shaking hands all of my national team teammates and former club teammates hug me
After we finish shaking hands we take our starting XI line up photo.
"Sit Balto." I say to my dog, who's wearing my jersey.
Balto does as told and sits down next to Alex while I stand behind him for the picture.
Once the picture is taken, Balto and I head to the team huddle.
After the team huddle I lead Balto to the bench.
"Alright Balto." I say as we get to the end of the bench. "You stay here okay?"
Balto barks at me so I pet him one more time before I head onto the field and get ready for the kick off.
"You ready Rugrat?" Christen asks.
"Yeah." I say as we walk to our positions
I'm ready to get the fuck out of Miami.
- - - - -
"Finally." I say as the full time whistle blows.
We won 2-0 with Christen getting both goals.
"Let's go Munchkin." Ash says as she holds her hands out to me.
I let Ash help me off the bench then Balto and I walk around on the field until the stage is ready for the medal ceremony.
"Audrey they need you for MVP." Heif says.
Balto and I head onto the stage grab the MVP trophy then we head off stage and get in line behind Alex for the medal ceremony.
After Alex gets her medal Balto and I walk up on the stage.
"Congratulations Audrey." Tim Howard says as he place the medal around me.
"Thanks." I say the Tim grabs another medal.
"The girls thought Balto deserved one too." Tim says as he place the medal around Balto's neck. "And I'm inclined to agree."
"Thanks." I say then Balto and I walk away.
Balto and I walk past my teammates, down the podium stairs, then we head to the locker room.
When we get to the locker room I put out some water for Balto then I grab my phone and text one of my favorite journalist.
Me: Hey I don't know if you're writing an article about tonight or about SheBelieves, but I just wanted to let you know that the reason I didn't stay for the trophy presentation is 50% I can't handle loud noises like the CO2 cannons right now and 50% I don't want to be in Miami due to all the stuff that happened in 2018.
Meg Linehan: Gotcha.
Meg Linehan: If you don't mind I'd like to put that on Twitter as well.
Me: Go ahead.
"Balto can you wait here for me while I shower?" I question.
Balto Barks so I strip out of my clothes, grab my shower stuff, then head to the showers to wash the sweat of me.
After my shower I dry off, brush my teeth to get the coffee off my breath, put my necklaces on then put my earrings and nose ring in before I put my clothes on. Once I'm dressed I pack my bag then play with Balto until the bus is open.
"BUS IS OPEN." Someone yells so I grab my stuff then Balto and I head towards the bus.
Once on the bus, Balto and I sit in our normal row then I put my AirPods in and listen to my music while everyone loads onto the bus.
After everyone gets on the bus I listen to music while texting Daan the whole way back to the hotel.
When we get back to the hotel we eat then everyone who played does their recovery. After recovery, I take Balto out to the bathroom one last time before we head upstairs for bed.
"Kelley you need to think about someone other than yourself for once." I hear Christen say as I enter her and I's shared bedroom.
Also in my bedroom is Alex, Ali, Ash, Alyssa, Tobin, Moe, Julie, Lindsey...okay basically the whole team is in our room.
"Is this a bad time?" I ask.
"We're talking about you." Kelley says so I walk further into the room.
"What about me?" I ask as I sit on my bed then I look at my dog. "Balto...night night time."
Balto licks my hands then he hops up onto the bed and passes out.
Night Night time is the phrase Daan and I use to get him to sleep while we have our alone time. It also works when Balto doesn't wanna go to sleep
"The fact that you're not coming to my wedding." Kelley says.
"THAT." Christen says. "That right there is your problem Kelley."
Christen then points at me.
"Audrey is obviously upset about being in Miami still and you are doing nothing, but adding onto the stress she's going through right now." Christen says.
"Kelley you need to realize that my Mom is not just your fiancée." I say causing Kelley to shut up. "I've already come to terms with the fact that she's your girlfriend and now she's your fiancée which is why I didn't tell you to fuck off when you surprised her with that stupid trip at Christmas."
I then take a deep breath to control my anger at Mom's fiancée.
"Unless you realize that my Mom isn't only your fiancée then all you will ever be to me is a teammate...and as of right now I have no plans to attend your wedding."

Free Solo
FanfictionAudrey was around the US Women's national team for the first 18 years of her life, but something happened and she's been gone for almost 4 years. What's going to happen when she comes back?