Audrey's POV
"Hey Rugrat." Christen says as she eats next to me at the lunch table
"Hi." I say as I eat my lunch.
"Are you and Daan still okay to help me and Tobin with that thing after the season ends?" Christen asks.
"What are you doing?" Mal asks.
"Audrey's gonna help me and Tobin start a family." Christen sys.
"Can you help me and Maya?" Mal asks.
"As well as me and Sofia." Abby says.
"And me and Lindsey." Emily says causing me to get more and more angry.
"What is wrong with you three?" Christen says.
"It's just a question." Mal says as I feel my anger get the better of me.
"I'm not some fucking cow you can milk for your own gain though." I angrily say as I stand up. "I'm a human being with fucking feelings so you all can fuck off."
Once I've said my peace I throw my trash away then start walking out of the room.
"Come on Balto." I say then my dog follows me out of the room.
"AUDREY WAIT." Christen shouts as the door closes.
Balto and I wait out side the room for a few seconds then Christen comes out of the room.
"We have to go to that press conference thing." I say then I walk towards the waiting car.
When I get to the car I get in followed by Balto then Christen gets in. Moments later Vlatko gets in the passenger seat of the car then we head to the press conference place. Once we get to the press conference place we are dropped off out front then we head inside and walk to the escalators.
Balto looks at the escalator then he looks up at me causing me to roll my eyes as I squat down.
"Hug Balto." I say and tap my chest.
Balto puts his front paws on my shoulders then I pick him up by his butt and stand up.
"You're lucky you're cute." I say then I kiss my dog's head.
"Aww." Christen says as we get on the escalator. "I still find this so cute."
"Cute for you." I say. "You're not the one carrying a 45 pound dog."
"You're so cute." Christen says as she rub Balto's fur.
Balto smiles at Christen as we reach the top of the escalator so I get off when I can then I head to the press conference room.
When we get to the press conference room, I sit Balto down in the farthest right chair then I sit next to him while Christen sits in-between me and Vlatko.
"You're lucky you're cute." I whisper to Balto then he licks my face. "I love you too Balto."
"If everyone is ready, we'll start." The Olympic press lady says.
Like every press conference I tune out until I'm asked a question.
"Audrey how do you approach games like this when you play your girlfriend?"
"Uh on the field we're to busy trying to win to notice we're playing each other." I say.
"Audrey before big games like tomorrow how does your preparation differ?"
"My preparation doesn't ever change." I say. "I always do my normal routine of sleep, eat, train, and take care of my kids."
"Audrey you are going up against Krisje van Kollenstaart again." One reporter says. "What's that going to be like for you?"
Krisje van Kollenstaart is the bitch who injured me.
"I have no clue." I say. "We'll see tomorrow."
I know exactly what it's going to be like going up against Krisje van Kollenstaart.
She's not making it off the pitch on her own two legs.
"There's Mama." I hear my girlfriend whisper off to the right of me.
The Dutch press conference was before ours.
When I hear my girlfriend's voice I turn to my right and see my girlfriend.
"Say hi to Mama." Daan whispers as she holds our babies.
"That's all the time we have." The Olympic press lady says.
"Let's go Balto." I say then my dog and I head over to our family.
"Hi Audi." Daan says then she pecks my lips. "You ready to go?"
Daan and I are taking the kids on a walk around Paris before Dinner.
"Yeah." I say then I turn around and look at my favorite aunt. "I'll see you later."
"Okay." Christen says. "Call if you need us."
I nod then I help my girlfriend put our babies into the stroller that seats them both.
Once our kids are secured in their stroller, Daan, Balto, and I leave the building then start walking around the city where I first knew I loved Daan.
The five of us walk around the city for awhile then we find a spot to sit for a minute.
"How do you think tomorrow will go?" I say as we sit down on a bench overlooking the Seine River.
"I don't know." Daan says. "I just hope you don't get hurt."
"Same." I say. "You know I love this city."
"Why?" Daan asks as I hear London giggle due to Balto tickling my daughter with his nose.
"It's the city I was in when I realized I loved you." I admit.
"Really?" Daan asks and I nod. "When?"
"That weekend back in November of 2021 when we had the weekend off so we came to Paris for a weekend trip." I say.
"How'd you know?" Daan asks as she leans her head on my shoulder.
"You were asleep while I was looking at the stars and I found your's, Mom's, and Balto's nebula." I say. "You were the first one I wanted to tell, but I couldn't because I wanted to surprise you...The fact that I wanted to tell you first and not my Mom made me realize I loved you."
"I knew I loved you when I woke up before you on that Saturday morning and came to the realization that I wanted to wake up in your arms for the rest of my life." Daan says as Paris start fussing. "Aww, What's the matter Bubba?"
Daan stands up to tend to our kids so I get off the bench, kneel, then I pull out the ring I've had since January of 2022 and wait for Daan to turn around.
"We probably need to..." Daan says as she turns around, but she stops speaking when she see's me. "Audi?"
"I...I...I...I" I say then I take a deep breath. "You know I'm not very good with expressing my feelings, but I'm gonna try."
Daan nods with a smile so I open the ring box and show Daan the ring.
"Everyday I wake up and I instantly have a smile on my face because the woman in my arms is not only the love of my life, but also the person who helped me through the toughest time in my life and never complained. Daan you helped me through so much since we've been together and I'm 100 percent positive that I wouldn't have turned out to be who I am today..." I say then I take a deep breath.
I have more to say, but it won't come out.
I think it's time I ask the all important question.
"Daniëlle van de Donk will you marry me?"

Free Solo
FanfictionAudrey was around the US Women's national team for the first 18 years of her life, but something happened and she's been gone for almost 4 years. What's going to happen when she comes back?