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Audrey's POV

"Have Mal, Abby, or Emily talked to you yet?" Christen asks.

"I've been ignoring them." I say. "Their partners already know what they said so they're all in the dog house."

"Are you going to talk to them?" Tobin asks.

"At the moment I don't plan too." I say as I play with my dog's fur. "I thought we were friends......Now I don't know anymore."

"Let's change the subject." Christen says.

"I can't believe you're engaged." Ash says from the row in front me as we ride the bus to the Parc des Princes.

Today's the gold medal match.

"My little Munchkin's all grown up." Ash says.

"She's been grown up for a while Ash." Ali says as we pull up to the stadium.

After the bus stops everyone gets of the bus.

Once Balto and I get off the bus we head into the stadium then we head to the locker room.

When I get to the locker room I head to my locker then take off my necklaces, earrings, and nose ring before I start to change I then change into my warm up shirt, game shorts, my socks and my rainbow and white boots.

After I'm dressed I head out to the pitch with the rest of the team. When I get on the pitch I run through my warm ups with the starters for a while then head back to the locker room.

Once in the locker room I change out of the training top and change into my white jersey. After I'm dressed I wait around while the coaching staff do their last minute talks. When the talks end, the starters and I head to the tunnel and I line up behind Alex

When the ref tells us too we head onto the field then stand in line for the anthems. After the anthems we shake hands with the Dutch then we shake hands with the refs.

After we finish shaking hands we take our starting XI line up photo.

"Sit Balto." I say to my dog, who's wearing my jersey.

Balto does as told and sits down next to Alex while I stand behind him for the picture.

Once the picture is taken, Balto and I head to the team huddle.

After the team huddle I lead Balto to the bench.

"Alright Balto." I say as we get to the end of the bench. "You stay here okay?"

Balto barks at me so I pet him one more time then I head onto the pitch.

Once on the pitch I head to the center circle with Alex then I stare at the bitch who almost took my career from me.

"Who you staring at?" Alex asks. 

"Her." I say and nod to the Dutch defender.

"Don't do anything you'll regret."

That's the thing.

I won't regret breaking her leg.

That bitch hits on my fiancée every camp so she deserves to get her ass whipped.

"You ready Rugrat?" Christen asks as she joins me and Alex in the circle.

"Yep." I say as the whistle blows so I kick the ball back to Tierna then run up field with the rest of the team.

Five minutes into the game I see my opportunity to get revenge.

Abby plays a ball over the top towards me, but Krisje van Kollenstaart gets to the ball first.

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