🗝 Chapter Five 🗝

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Varian was in his workroom when the red head announce very loudly that she knew where the cup was.

Now, Varian could only assume what she was talking about. But he didn't care, his focus had moved onto making a potion to bring his energy back. His baba  working along side him, poking and prodding at the work that he was doing.

"Why didn't you tell me you had seen her again?" Varian spoke without looking at his baba, his concentration on the potion in front of him.

His baba  sighed, leaning against the table top as he sipped his martini. Varian does not drink, but his baba  does, significantly, so Varian keeps a cart stocked with liquor just for him. "I didn't know how to."

"Just as simple as, 'hey Birdie, you remember how your mum gave you to me when you were just a toddler but kept your sister, yep, just saw your sister. She seems great.'" The sarcasm was basically dripping from Varian's voice as he looked over at his baba. "Anything other than showing up at my house unannounced with-"

"Magnus!" Clary interrupted from the living room.

"Her." Varian finished, nodding his head towards the door for his baba  to go ahead and go. He watched him leave, before turning back to his mixture and adding the last few ingredients. He poured into a cup, cringing before downing the entire thing.

It started at the base of his spine, the feeling of comfort, before moving into his shoulders and chest. Varian snaps the fingers on his left hand, smiling at the bright lilac that poured from his palm, a strong color once again.

He starts towards the door, waving a hand over his shoulder to clean the room, before stepping into the living room and watch his baba  speak to Clary. Varian missed the first part of the conversation, but from what he could tell the girl was not getting what she wanted.

"For a portal to work I would have had to been there before, and I," His baba  chuckles dryly. " I haven't been inside a prison since 1789 when France decided they didn't want to be ruled. So I can't help you there, but, I do know one Warlock that's been in your precinct."

Varian sighed as he leaned up against the door frame, watching his baba  turn to look at him. Varian smiled, trying not to laugh. "It was one  time baba, let it go." Varian shook his head, pushing off of the door frame and moving towards the couch. "I guess I can help, but I've only ever been in the holding cell, so maybe you should get your Werewolf friend to try first."

"Luke." His baba  offered the name, and Varian nodded, sitting down on the couch and propping his head up as he tried to not fall asleep.

"Luke." Varian repeated with a nod. The sideways clomp of someone walking with a limp alerted Varian to the presence of the Werewolf joining them. Varian looked at him, turning the ring on his hand as he waited for the man to ask for help.

He could see the pain radiating off of him, just like before, but he seemed to be doing better. Which Varian was quick to chop up to the Werewolf healing that he had gained. Varian sighed, annoyed that he had not yet asked for help even though it was extremely apparent that he needed it.

Despite the fact that he really didn't want to, Varian stood, approaching the Werewolf and setting a hand on his shoulder. It was a simple gesture, just as easy as skin to skin contact and he was able to heal the injuries and stop the pain. The potion that he had made himself did wonders to bring his energy back, and as he was still on the high of just drinking it he had no sudden drop in energy.

"There." He mumbled, ignoring the look that the Werewolf gave him. "Now then, not to be rude, but this is my home, and I'd prefer to not  have complete strangers in it at the moment." Varian flourished his hand, something he had learned from his baba  while learning magic. A card appeared, a normal looking playing card that he passed across to Clary. "If you need me, throw the card. Until then."

The door to his apartment opened by itself, and the group got the message all moving to leave the room as Varian watched them go. Luke was last, throwing one last critical glance over his shoulder as he stepped out the door.

It slammed shut behind him, and Varian looked over at his baba.

"He recognized me."

"It's hard not too." His baba  replied, the pair of them watching the door where the Werewolf had just been.

"Hmm." Varian shrugged his shoulders, turning to head back to his room. He pulled the blanket closer around his shoulders.

"Is that your subtle way of telling me to leave." His baba  downed the rest of his drink, as Varian bobbled his head from side to side.

"I need to sleep, you can stay if you want. I think there's a pizza in the fridge, maybe something else. Help yourself." Varian was nearly to his room when his baba  spoke again.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

"I forgive you." Varian always would.

He continued into his room, shutting the door behind him and practically collapsing onto the bed. He may have had the potion to bring his energy back, but he was emotionally drained more than anything else.

The struggle of seeing his sister and Luke was tiring, but he was glad to have seen her. The fact that she was still alive, and that she had discovered the Shadow World was a comfort to Varian, and he knew that he wanted to tell her and soon, despite the worry that came from having to reappear in the line of the Clave.

But that was an issue to deal with on another day, and as Varian fell asleep he found himself only able to dream in blue and black.

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