🗝 Chapter Twenty-Six 🗝

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Maryse Lightwood whipped her head around in a dark flurry, the anger apparent on her face at the appearance of the Warlock. Varian tried to not look at her, knowing that from one look of her angry eyes he would fold under the pressure.

Varian felt his form ripple as he felt another surge of Ragnor's magic pass through him, but tried to not let it show.

Alec looked panicked at the sight of Varian, and he almost felt bad for showing up so suddenly.

I will wait for you. Varian thought, in an attempt to relax himself, he opened his hands by his sides taking a deep breath as he did.

Maryse continued to protest, weaving her way to the aisle and practically sprinting down it, but Varian couldn't concentrate well enough on her as the colors around her were a dark and angry red. The bright yellow surrounding both Izzy and Jace told Varian that he had made the right decision in showing up, though he could feel the nerves eating away at his heart.

"By the angel what are you doing here?" Maryse voice bit at Varian's ears, and he tried not to wince. He lifted his hands in a way of surrender, but didn't do anything to stop the woman as she approached.

His eye's left Alec's form briefly as he looked up at the tall woman in front of him, only slightly put off by the fact that she was a few inches taller then him.

"Varian Bane leave this wedding now." Maryse hissed, and in a moment of sudden strength and courage he looked Maryse directly in her eyes. A bright fire burning in the air around him that made Varian look otherworldly, he spoke in a surprisingly soft voice.

"Maryse, this is between me and your son." He held his hand up in an attempt to get her to not reply. "I will leave, if he wants me too."

Varian looked past Maryse, ignoring the chanting of 'this wasn't a good idea'  and 'I shouldn't be here' as his eyes locked with the form of Alec, noticing the conflict in his face. Varian's hands began to shake, a lilac color beginning to decorate the air around him, accidental magic that Varian couldn't control.

This wasn't a good idea. I shouldn't be here.

The words echoed through his head, and it was nearly confirmed when Alec looked from Varian to Lydia. Her hand reached up and pressed against Alec's cheek, but Varian could see the yellow-blue coloring of a woman telling someone to make the best decision.

And Varian felt rather light headed, a side effect of slowly becoming a full Warlock. His head throbbed, and he felt awful, but he couldn't bring himself to look away from Alec.

Choose me.  Varian mentally pleaded, feeling rather desperate and exposed as he waited for something to happen.

He could see the dark grey of worry around Alec, or perhaps it was anxiety. The calm yellow-pink around Lydia seemed strangely out of place compared to Alec, and Varian realized that the young woman was encouraging Alec to make his decision entirely on his own.

Jace stepped towards Alec, muttering under his breath to him and waiting in vain for a reply. Alec reached for Lydia's hands, taking both of hers in both of his and lifting them to his lips, his hands shaking something awful as he did.

Alec looked just as nervous as Varian, and he looked between the man at the end of the aisle and the woman that he was suppose to marry with the same wide eyed look. Varian stepped back, a hand lifting to rest over his heart as he tried to smile in an encouraging way to Alec.

I will wait for you.

Alec turned, a surprisingly determined look in his eyes, and Varian felt himself melt in the heat of his gaze.

The world slowed as Alec started back down the aisle. Varian could feel his magic practically bursting at the seams of his mind as he watched Alec choose him.

I can't help but love you, even though I try not to.

"Alec what are you doing?" Maryse stepped in between Varian and Alec, trying to stop her son without causing a scene.


His word was firm, and Varian felt as though he could cry. That one word was confirmation that Alec was choosing him. Alec reached Varian in three steps, and he looked up at him. Feeling impossibly small as he did.


Varian's mind shouted for Alec to touch him, to hold him, to kiss him, but he didn't want to initiate the contact.

Alec grabbed him by the lapels of his jacket, looking him in the eyes with a firm look before pulling him close. Varian stumbled, opening his mouth to say something.

And then Alec kissed him.

Alec is kissing him.

Varian melted into it, his hands moving on their own to press onto Alec's chest in a way of holding him steady.

It was just the two of them, stuck in this beautiful moment. Varian ignored the interrupted wedding and the whispering of the guests as he concentrated on the feeling of Alec's lips on his own. His head tipped back, his eyes fell shut, and Alec became more beautiful with every second that Alec kissed him.

Alec pulled away, and Varian tried to lean in for another kiss, mentally cursing his short height as he couldn't reach Alec's lips on his own. His magic helped him without him meaning for it too, lilac lifted him into the air, and he dug his fingers into the soft dark hair as he pulled him back down for another kiss.

Varian smiled as he landed back down on his feet, his lips seperating from Alec's as he looked up at him with wonder filled eyes.

"You will never cease to amaze me Alec." Varian muttered, leaning into the hand that Alec put on his cheek.

"Yeah." It was said in a breathy excited tone, before he suddenly paled, his eyes flicking to the crowd at the wedding. "What did I just do?"

Varian let his head rest on Alec's shoulder, huffing out a laugh. "I feel the same."

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