🗝 Chapter Thirty-Four 🗝

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Alec got to his feet first, having the advantage of being on the bench, but he didn't run off to answer the call, instead, he bent over and helped Varian stack the books together and tuck them under the bench to be out of the way, and then offered a hand to Varian to help him stand.

"Thank you." Varian mumbled, ignoring the way his magic reacted at Alec's touch.

Alec didn't let go as he continued towards the ops room, and Varian made no move to pull free, he just trailed along, attempting to keep up with the long strides of his Shadowhunter.

"Who sounded the alarm?" It was Izzy who spoke first when the pair reached the ops room. "What's going on?"

Everyone had swarmed to see the commotion, even Varian had his eyes peeled to see what would come of their gathering. There was something so tangible in the air, a greyish-black color that seemed to radiate from everyone, but as Varian narrowed his eyes he noticed it coming from one specific person, though he couldn't tell who.

"Is this everyone? Fantastic." Aldertree clapped his hands together, and silence fell over the room.

On the edge of Varian's gaze he saw Luke Garroway and Jocelyn Fairchild, standing impossibly close, a near replica could be found a few feet away in Clarissa Fairchild and Simon Lewis. Without meaning to, Varian smiled at the proximity of the latter, noticing the pink tinge in the air around Simon.

Aldertree had made his way down the set of stairs by the time Varian refocused on him, he stood in front of the two couples Varian had just had his eyes on. His voice seemed to echo around the room as he continued to speak.

"First up," He looked at Luke Garroway and Simon Lewis, an amused smile on his face. "All Downworlders are forbidden from entering the Institute without my prior approval. For all those still present, good day."

Varian watched the way that the Werewolf shoulders tensed up, no doubt he was narrowing a glare on the shorter man.

"Mr. Greymark-"

"I'm not leaving Jocelyn." Garroway interrupted, and Varian had to commend him for his confidence, if not his idiocy in the moment. "Besides, my badge gives access to resources that you don't have. I can help you find Jace."

Aldertree smiled a tight lipped smile, "That's generous of you, but I'm going to have to insist."

If not for the fact that Varian did not want to draw attention to himself, he would have stepped forward and stood up for the Werewolf. It was an odd protective feeling that Varian instantly blamed on the fact that he had used so much of his energy to heal the man all those weeks ago.

Varian watched with a firm gaze as Luke muttered something to Jocelyn, shot a pointed glare at Aldertree, before making his way towards the front door with barely a glance over his shoulder.

"You too," Aldertree's eyes turned from the retreating Werewolf to the Fledgling Vampire, seeming to not know his name.

"Simon." The Vampire in question offered.

"Yes, Simon." Aldertree waved his hand in a dismissive way. "Scurry on."

Varian found himself distracted by the way that Alec seemed to slowly move in front of him, as if blocking him from being noticed by the new head of the Institute. He could just barely see Simon leave the room after the Werewolf.

There was a pause, a long nearly awkward pause before Aldertree spoke again. "And where is that Warlock?"

Varian felt as though his blood was running cold through his veins, despite the improbability of the situation. Alec visibly tensed in front of him, unconsciously making himself bigger to hide the Warlock.

"There you are," Aldertree's voice had an edge to it, and Varian felt as though he was standing in front of Camille Belcourt again, a shiver running down his spine as he stepped out from behind Alec. His eyes stuck firmly to the ground as Aldertree approached. "I would like a word, if you could make your way to my office."

Varian made no attempt to move, his eyes trained on the loafers that Aldertree was wearing. The shoes were entirely improbable, given his line of work. If an attack came, he would be unable to get a grip on the ground to fight back. The loafers turned and walked away.

"Now then, I've reviewed your statements, along with the reports of your unsanctioned missions, and I can come to no other conclusion that Jace Wayland is a traitor to the Clave." Aldertree's voice was firm, as if there was no other decision to be made on the subject. "Jace Wayland has had multiple chances to kill Valentine, but chose to not, and now, Valentine, Jace, and the Mortal Cup is missing."

Varian looked up from the ground, his eyes turning to Alec as he noticed the twitch in his jaw, the air around him turning red with anger. Varian reached over and rested a hand on Alec's arm, a small comforting smile on his face.

"We will get to him first, I promise." Varian's voice was light as he spoke, and Alec smiled in appreciation.

Aldertree waved everyone off, and Izzy nearly shouted as she spoke. "There is no way we are going to help you hunt Jace." Alec nodded in agreement, pulling Varian across the room (not that he put up much of a fight against it) to aid in his sisters defiance.

"And I'd never ask you too." Aldertree almost sounded genuine, but the air around him told Varian that he had a sinister undertone in his words. "You and your friends are prohibited from any further involvement in the hunt for Jace Wayland."

It was like a punch to the gut for Alec, Varian watched as he physically deflated.

"Now then, Mr. Bane, if you'll follow me to my office." He motioned to his right, and though Varian nodded that he would, he made no move to go first. Aldertree fist clenched slightly in the air, before he dropped his hand to his side. "I will see you there then, Mr. Bane."

Varian decided that he did not like the way that Aldertree spoke to him, but he did not say anything as he watched the man disappear. He turned to Alec, grabbing at both of his hands in a way of forming the contact that he had begun to crave.

"You should keep looking through the book Darling. I'll be back after Aldertree speaks to me." Varian smiled up at Alec, standing on his toes and pressing a kiss to the Shadowhunters cheek. "There is a notebook in the bag, a combination of Ragnor and I's notes on the magic in the books. If I remember correctly most of it is English, but I can't be sure, and-"

"Breathe Varian." Alec interrupted, noticing the way that the Warlock was in rambling and in fact not breathing as he did.

Varian took a visibly deep breath, his smile turning to something of a worried one. "I'll be right back."

Alec smiled down at him, lifting his palm to his cheek and pressing a chastised kiss to his forehead. "And I'll be waiting."

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