🗝 Chapter Twenty 🗝

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Varian sped through the equipment covering the floor of the warehouse, making sure to give all the walls a wide birth as he went. He lifted a hand to his shoulder, reaching for his sword that wasn't there. He had no use for it during the trial, but he needed it now more than ever.

Michael Wayland was standing a distance away from Clary and Jace, his form rippling twice as much as the first time that Varian saw him.

Wayland was reaching for something, and as Varian came closer, he realized that it was the  Mortal Cup.

"Don't give it to him!" He shouted, hurrying towards the group, but it was to late. Clary had handed it over, and Varian reacted, throwing his hand out and blasting Michael Wayland with a blast of magic.

"What the hell Varian!" Jace ran at him, his anger fueling his actions. Varian lifted his hand in an relaxed way, stopping the boy in his tracks.

"He's not who he says he is." Varian replied, stepping towards the still-shocked form of Michael Wayland. He pulled the Mortal Cup from his grasp, holding it in his hands in a careful grip and waving a hand at the man.

Everyone watched as his skin rippled and changed, the thin form of Michael Wayland changing and becoming the square tough form of Valentine.

Varian stepped away, finding it hard to swallow as he looked down at Valentine. He was starting to move, and Varian spoke, his voice echoing around the warehouse.

"Demons begone." The Mortal Cup made them comply, and silence fell over the warehouse.

"You pretended to be my father." Jace was still frozen in the air where Varian had left him, the anger coming off of him on droves.

Valentine laughed as he stood. "I wasn't pretending Jace. I am your father, I always have been."

"Shut it Valentine." Varian spat, turning to walk away. He felt a presence approach him, and knew it was Valentine coming for the cup. He lifted it into the air, "Dimittite eam!" And the cup was gone.

"No!" Valentine's voice was raw as he screamed. He grabbed Varian from behind, wrapping the crook of his arm around his throat in an attempt to choke him. Varian panicked, a blast of magic sends a shock wave into the air, forcing Valentine across the room once again.

The spirals of magic that sit in the air around Varian as he turns are black in color, and no matter how much he tries to breath through it, the color doesn't change. Varian sets his jaw, his hands tighten into fists as he speaks to Clary.

"We're leaving-"

Valentine interrupts. "I am your father Clarissa, and Jace's. Think about it, why are the two of you so drawn together? Blood calls to blood-" Valentine trails off, sighing in a happy way. "Incredible."

It was impossible.

Varian was the brother, and Jace was, well Varian wasn't sure exactly who Jace was. But it wouldn't take much to find out, or so he hopes.

"A lost mother, found." Valentine motioned to the floating body of Jocelyn Fairchild, the mother that Varian hasn't seen in nearly sixteen years. "A brother and sister, finally reunited."

"Bullshit." Varian spoke.

Valentine spun quickly, shouting at Varian with venom in his voice. "Silence Warlock!"

Varian snorted, shaking his head at Valentine's anger. 

"Come with me son, you know that you love me. Your sister is welcome to join us. And your mother, we can find a way to get her moving again." Valentine smiled as he reached a hand towards Jace. He started walking towards Valentine and Varian worried that Jace was enticed by his offer.

Varian stepped forward, opening his mouth almost speaking, but he stopped, his eyes falling to Jace's hands. His left hand was dead in the air next to his side, but his right hand moved in a circular motion and Varian smiled when he realized what Jace meant.

Varian set his shoulders, lifting his right hand, his left spun in a circle at his side as he willed a portal to appear. The portal was black in color, as Varian was still working on changing it to its light lilac color. The magic, his magic, was still just outside of his control, but it did the deed.

The portal formed, and Jace, as the closest of the group, ran forward body-checking Valentine Morgenstern as hard as possible. Clary yelped, trying to reach for Jace but Varian did first, catching the Shadowhunter with his magic just seconds before the portal closed.

There was a moment of silence, Jace and Varian huffed loudly as he tried to catch their breath. The loud creaking of the warehouse door startled Varian into a defensive position. He lifted his hands, black wisps of magic trailing in the air as he readied himself for another attack.

"Clary!" The voice sounded terrified, but familiar. Varian lowered his hands, but stayed on his toes ready to react in a moments notice. Luke Garroway rounded the corner, he  immediately threw his hands into the air when he saw the tense Warlock.

Varian relaxed fully, stumbling backwards and falling to his knees with a shout. His hands shot to grab his chest coming over his heart as he tried to breathe deeply. The world was overstimulating, the dark black of his out of control magic rippled off of Varian as he tried to get it under control.

"We have to go." Varian's voice was strained. He lifted his hand, a portal forming nearest to him. He pulled his hand towards his chest, feeling worse as it sucked him, Clarissa, Jace, Luke, and the unconscious form of Jocelyn Fairchild through to the other side.

The landing was rough on the other side, and Varian could see the four walls of the Institute and wished he was anywhere but there.

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