🗝 Chapter Twenty-Two 🗝

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When Varian woke up the next morning there was only two things he was fully sure of. The first; that Ragnor Fell had something to do with the magic keeping Jocelyn Fairchild in her suspended prison, though he didn't really want to think about her at the moment. And the second;

"I'm leaving baba."

"It's Alec, isn't it?" His baba  didn't question his want to leave, but rather he waved his hand and the pair watched as his bag began to pack itself.

"Maybe." Varian sighed, feeling unsure and lacking confidence in himself. "But it's also Clarissa, and Jocelyn, and Luke, whose already figured out who I am."

Varian relaxed into the couch as he spoke, breathing in the smell of his cocoa as he looked over the steaming mug at his baba.

Magnus Bane was visibly sad about the situation. His worst fear was loosing his son, whether that was to a Downworlder, a vengeful Shadowhunter, or even to the boys own magic. But some part of him never thought he would loose his son to the mother that gave him up all those years ago.

"You won't." Varian interrupted his baba's  train of thought, looking away from his baba  as he sipped from his mug.

His baba  smiled as he shook his head. "I hate it when you do that."

"I'll miss you, but I won't be gone for long." Varian changed the subject as he stood. The mug disappeared from his hands and Varian stretched his arms above his head. "Ragnor is expecting me."

"Give him my love." Magnus' reply came with ease and a smile. He stood to tell his son goodbye officially.

Varian started towards his bedroom before stopping suddenly and slapping a hand to his forehead. "Oh bother. I forgot about Simon. He's got a key, and blood in the fridge." He turned to face his baba, smiling in a way that made his baba  very aware that he wanted to ask a favor. "Could you come by? Maybe tomorrow before- just to check on him?"

Magnus noticed the interruption in Varian's words. Tomorrow was a day that Varian did not want to think about.

Varian watched as his baba  smiled at his sentimentality, before nodding and promising that he would. He felt strange as he grabbed his bag from his room and stepped back into the living room of the flat. Varian wrapped his arm around his baba  in a hug goodbye before lifting his backpack onto his shoulder.

"You're going to the wedding." It was a statement, not a question.

His baba  sighed, a heavy breathy sigh that told his son all that he needed to know, but he spoke nonetheless. "Lydia asked me to, as a thank you for the help I've provided."

Varian's hum was his baba's  only way of knowing that he had even heard him.

"You could come? I'm sure Ragnor would be alright with you leaving a day early." Varian knew that his baba  was right, but he shook his head.

It pained Varian to watch this happen. To watch someone that he had so quickly begun to like marry someone else. There was something behind the marriage, a benefit of some kind, or a secret. It wouldn't be a happy marriage,  but it was a marriage nonetheless.

"It wouldn't be good, for either of us." Varian muttered dejectedly, before shaking his head and pulling a smile back onto his face. "Besides, I'll be with Ragnor and learning more powerful magic."

He ended it in a light joking tone, nudging his baba  with his shoulder before smiling. Varian started to say something else, but he was suddenly interrupted. His calling card flew through the air, coming from nowhere, Varian snatched it with an easy hand.

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