🗝 Chapter Nineteen 🗝

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"I'd like to call Lydia Branwell to the stand." Varian spoke with no emotion in his voice, and ignored the look of annoyance on the Inquisitors face. Lydia complied, crossing the room with easy steps and taking a seat on the stand.

"I don't see the relevance." The Inquisitor muttered, and Varian spun quickly, looking at her with a frown.

"I don't see the relevance of this whole trial." Varian's voice was angry, and he took a deep breath before turning to speak to Lydia. "Miss Branwell, I just have one question. Why are you prosecuting this case?"

The room became deafeningly silent after Varian spoke, and the Inquisitor sighed before prompting Lydia Branwell to answer the question.

"Because the law is hard, but it is the law." Lydia sighed, all emotion changing around her. The grey-red of disappointment changed to a light pink of compassion. "But that doesn't make it right. We're trying someone for caring, for thinking for herself. She saved a life that was being sacrificed for nothing."

Lydia was getting heated as she spoke, and Varian smiled proudly as she defied the orders of the Inquisitor to stop speaking.

"I'm looking out at the faces of the people here." She smiled, pointing at Alec and Izzy. "A brother and sister who disagree on everything except for how much they love one another, and how loyal they are to each other."

Varian glanced over his shoulder at Alec, locking eyes as he smiled sadly.

Lydia continued. "Then there's the Warlock who took the case, pretending to be interested in the payment of a rare object but really believes injustice towards his friends is intolerable." Lydia leaned back in her chair. "Loyalty, decency, compassion, love. These are the concepts that we should consider to decide guilt or innocence in a case like this."

Varian felt a lurch in his chest, like he had some strange feeling that she knew of the affection shared between Varian and Alec.

"Those are not the concepts of the law." The Inquisitor interrupted, "Enough of this nonsense."

"I agree." Lydia looked to Varian with a smile. "This case is nonsense. I withdraw the charges."

The entire room goes up in cheers and Varian is right alongside them all. With a wave of his hand a flash of lilac passed over the room and confetti began to rain down. Izzy jumps from her spot on the table, throwing her arms over Varian.

"Thank you Varian." Her voice was soft as she spoke, and when she pulled back Varian started to speak. He was quickly interrupted by the Inquisitor.

"Silence!" A hush fell over the room. The Inquisitor stood from her podium, stalking down the stairs and making her way towards Izzy. Varian stood in front of her, a protective hand on her arm and a firm glare focused on the Inquisitor. "Out of my way Warlock."

"No." His voice was firm, and nearly everyone could see the light lilac that started to shift the air. 

The Inquisitor looked down at the Warlock, her heels giving her the extra height, not like her high horse wasn't helping. "She is guilty."

"And yet you couldn't prove it." Varian smiled confidently, "Now if you don't mind, my client and I are leaving."

Varian wasn't sure where he was going, but decided a celebration was in order. He turned, grabbing Izzy by the elbow and leading her to the back of the room. Two Shadowhunter orderly's stepped in their way, the Inquisitor spoke again.

"If the cup is returned in 24 hours, the ruling will be vacated." Varian turned, looking the Inquisitor in the eyes as she continued. "If not, Isabelle Lightwood will be stripped of her runes and exiled from the society of the Shadowhunters forever."

Varian snarled, acting without meaning to, but he nodded his head. "So be it." He pushed through the Shadowhunters with Izzy in tow. He could feel her trying not to break down as they went and he brought her quickly away from everyone.

He turned, holding both of her hands in his. He started to push positive emotions through the connection, a small smile on his face. "I'll figure this out."

"Thank you."

Alec entered the room, and Varian didn't look at him as he spoke to the pretty blue-eyed man. "Keep an eye on her. I'll find Clarissa."

"How? We've had people tracking her since she took the cup." Alec asked, stepping towards Varian.

"I don't know."

Varian left the pair of them in the room alone. He started to leave the Institute but stopped himself, making his way to the ops computers. Varian grabbed Lydia Branwell by the arm, pulling her to a stop and pointing at the computers.

"You track molecular movements in the area yes?"

Lydia seemed confused to be speaking to the Warlock but answered nonetheless. "Uh, yeah, why?"

"Can you pull up yesterday morning? 11 a.m., outside the front door of the Institute." Varian rolled his shoulders a bit, forcing himself to pool all his magic together to replicate what had happened yesterday.

Lydia complied, before pointing at one spot on the screen. "There. A massive surge happened, and was gone in less than three seconds."

"What was the force ratio?" Varian asked, rubbing his hands together in a way of charging his magic.


"Thank you." Varian replied quickly, focusing on what it felt like to be forced through space to Clarissa, and he was gone before Lydia could look at him.

It wasn't as sudden of a feeling because he brought it on himself this time, but it hurt just as much. He forced himself to stay standing, looking around the room that he had ended up in. There was pounding on the walls, like hundreds of people were trying to get in and Varian instantly noticed the demonic signature. 

"Clarissa!" He shouted loudly, making his way through the warehouse in an attempt to find her.

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