Chapter 9 - The Last Customer II

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Her innocent, wide eyes stared at mine with sheer beauty, glittering like the most intense shades and colours of the Northen Lights in the home of Alaska. They owned a glorious tint of mysticism in them that miraculously touched my heart, and captured my soul once again...and again, as if they appeared along the horizon, offering a never ending sight of the blissful aurora.

The warmth in her smile was enthralling, so inviting like it was given only for me to get enchanted on. The curved of her lips gazed at me like I was the only one who deserved to see it, despite of its rareness that adorned the sky even better. Now it was flashing over the nine clouds of mine, sketching happiness not only in blue, but in those colours of borealis.

If only I knew how mesmerising our first meeting was going to be, I would have looked at her at the first hi.

"I think I've seen you somewhere," Natalie's voice snapped away the magic that had been pinning my mind on Lisa's beauty since our eyes met. "Or, do I actually know you?"

I looked away from her face and continued to prepare the order when the question was obviously meant for Lisa to respond.

Clearing her throat, Lisa moved her stare to the other cook at the stall.

"Maybe you do," She pushed her hands into the pockets of her trench coat as her voice changed, sounding so bold and strong compared to the one she projected to me earlier. "Or, maybe you think you do but actually you don't"

At that point of time, I asked myself on how she did that. The way she spoke was just...charming! Never in the months of me being together with my Lisa in the universe I came from that I got to hear her talk like that.

"But you look so familiar though"

"You think so?" Lisa chuckled, probably had no idea how to respond to the other woman, or she might be shy and tried to hide it.

"Yeah, I'm so sure!" Natalie pressed on her confidence, making me wonder about why she was so excited about our last customer for the day. As far as I knew, my best friend was straight. But now I wasn't sure since this universe could play the opposite as I was told.

If she ever had any interest for this Lisa, then she had to fight me first.

"Maybe we've met in the tube," Lisa suggested, still having the small laugh on her face as I stole a glance at her, avoiding the eye contact in an instant when she was about to look at me too. "Or just somewhere"

Natalie was silent for seconds. I knew she wasn't satisfied with that, she probably demanded a better explanation for what she was experiencing. What bothered me was definitely her curiosity. Why did she was so eager to look for Lisa in her memory box? Was it that important? Was Lisa's face that important for her to remember? Because it is for me, and I don't like other people to have the same sentiment as I do.

"No, shit!" The woman next to me exclaimed all of the sudden, almost making me smack her with the spatula in my hand for the unwanted surprise. "Are you that detective?!"

What? How did she know her?!

I brought my eyes back to Lisa, being impatient to know her answer that might solve the bafflement in my thoughts about her and Natalie. Did they share mutual friends together? Did they meet at any social gathering? Pubs? But my worries regarding that matter were brutally erased by her smile. It was the same kind with the one I saw earlier, owned by a lady who just caged my heart with her handsome appeal. Yes, she looks so handsome, for a woman. How can she look like that?

What am I thinking? Am I going crazy?

"I'm afraid yes," Lisa looked amused as her body rocked a little. "I am that detective"

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