Chapter 7 Girl Time and Happy Looking People Than There's Me

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Chapter 7

 *Jensyn's POV*

"it all goes back to our Directioner life, we like had our life planned to meet and all that and it came true! Ahhh let's fangirl!" I said jumping up and down.

"wait what?" Patry looked at me confused, haha she spent to much time around Harry. She looked at me for a full minute then almost jumped up in the air like ten feet, been around Niall to much? "NO WAY" She yelled "but-how-when? what's up gurl how's life?" she laughed

"last time we talked you forgot to mention that umm Harry Styles is your boyfriend..." I made my best sad face but she just laughed

"nope she's our maid" Louis hugged her so tight I thought he was going to break her

"hands off! She my girlfriend alright!" Harry took her hand and almost dragged her down the small hallway.

"Nuh uh! We need some girl time. Sorry babe but I'm taking the girls around town, kinda need some catching up" she told Harry

"but I just got home!" he whined.

"don't you worry I'll make it up to you" I could just see the smirk on Harry's face without even looking at him.

"we're going out girls! If you want" I looked at Niall and he happily smiled.

We exited the house and she led us to a nice green car.

"I'll seat in the back" Liv said opening the door.

"heck no we're all sitting in the front there's 3 seats might as well use them. I hate sitting in the back listening to people's conversations and not get involved so I won't let you sit there" I don't know why but I just started laughing. Patry got in the drivers seat I got in the seat in the middle and Olivia got in the passenger seat.

"by the way this is Olivia sorry I didn't tell ya earlier" I said pointing at Liv she just smiled, being around One Direction lately made her more quiet I guess.

"heyya" Patry smiled back "so what do you guys wanna do see a movie, chat over coffee, shopping?"

"SHOPPING!" Liv yelled.

We pulled up at a huge shopping mall. After a few hours of chasing Liv and Patry around the mall, laughing, talking, shopping, laughing at people's outfit man some people just dressed weird, pointing out the hot guys even tho Patry had a boyfriend she didn't mind sharing her opinion, she's crazy! But there's a serious side which I wasn't expecting, I told her about my cancer and all of that , she almost started crying. And than more shopping, talking and laughing. To be honest Niall didn't leave my mind for one moment, I think I like him but I'm afraid too, it's not easy thinking Im going to be gone in a few months and he's just going to move on. Why do I always have to think the bad part of the situation, what happened to the old me! My thoughts get interrupted by my phone.

From Niall: tell partyyyy to drop you off by the park near our house she'll know what I'm talking about. I got a suprise for ya !

I read the text smiling.

We had one more hour to kill before 6 o'clock so we went to get our nails done. We entered the small little nail salon and sat down waiting for our turn. After about 30 minutes we came back with freshly done nails. I decided I wanted to change in the new clothes I bought. Later we went to Patry's flat so I can change.

"WOW you live here!" Olivia entered the flat, Patry just nodded her head. "holy crap!"

"being their make up artist really makes good money" she said sitting down on the leather couches "oh and if you wanna change bathroom up stairs on the left."

I got changed fast and went right back. The girls were just chatting up on the couch laughing for no reason.

"damn girl! You know they're looking for a stylist for the tour, just like you always wanted!" when she said that I was about to scream but their tour starts in 4 months... I don't have that much... "well ok let's get you to your prince charming" I blushed and followed them outside. Liv came beside me.

"she said if we want we can stay here if we wanted... And umm I WANT TO!" she half screamed the last part.

"we'll see what grandma says."


I walk through the park entrance, kids running around, people holding hands, walking around, green grass. I inhaled the fresh smell and closed my eyes. When I open them I see the most beautiful guy that ever stepped on this earth with something in his hand which I can't quite make out what it's is...

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