Chapter 2 ~ Loving a VK

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Evie's POV

"Doug..." before I could say a word, he exhaled sharply and smiled. I laughed at the way his brown eyes look deeper into mine with his smile lighting up the dark place.

"Umm...Evie, I have something to tell you"

"What is it?" I tilted my head down and focused only at him.

"Can you be my girlfriend?"

My smile faded away as I heard those words came out from his mouth. "Me? Your girlfriend?" I faked a smile and hugged him. I immediately felt something strange that made me think about Carlos and Jane. 'What if Carlos and Jane will be together? Well, right now I have Doug. He can be the way to let me move on from Carlos'. Gosh, what was I thinking? You should marry a prince or an Auradon man, not a villain kid. Mal and Ben saw us there standing with shocked faces. I quickly pulled myself back and fixed my hair. Doug also did the same and fixed his tux.

"Oh, Evie..." Mal came near and hugged me. Of course, I hugged back.

"We shouldn't have came here" Ben said showing his innocent face which made Mal pinch his cheeks.

"Well, you're right! We gotta go. Enjoy your night" Mal pulled me away from the boys and ran to our dorms.

Ben's POV

"Well, seems like my boy's a man now" We laughed and I put an arm over Doug's shoulder.

"Yeah, right" he locked his eyes only at Evie as she and Mal ran to their dorms.

"I never thought that I would fall in love with a villain. I-I hope that what she feels for me right now will last forever" I looked over to Doug and smiled.

"You really love the real her, do you?" He looked up at me. I placed both of my hands inside my pocket and took a deep breath.

"Yes. Maybe...*sigh* I don't think so. I mean, I do but...I just met her. We had our first date but I don't think that it's enough for me to really know everything about her. I want to spend more time with her. I want to love her. Honestly, Doug, I don't have feelings for Audrey before those Villain Kids came here. When I first saw those gorgeous green eyes, I already felt something that I know it would come to be like this. And I know that I won't end up being with Audrey, but with someone else" I nodded.

"Well, all that I can say is that, spend more time with her. Learn to love her differences from you, especially the real her"

"Thanks, buddy. I never knew that aside from being the best band leader, you are also a love expert!" We laughed. After a few seconds of silence, we bid goodbye to each other and headed to our dorms.

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