Chapter 5 ~ Carlos?

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Evie's POV
"Oh, Doug" I got woken up by Mal as I heard those words. Why is Doug here? I was 'fake-sleeping' so that I could listen every thing they talk about.

"Umm, Evie's still asleep. I gotta wake her up first. Wait a minute"

I heard Mal's footsteps coming towards me. She slowly shaked my shoulders and whispered, "Hey, Carlos is here". I quickly sat up and said, "What?". Mal laughed at me and said, "I'm sorry, I mean, Doug" She hit her shoulders on mine and smirked. I looked over the door and saw Doug standing, wearing a smile on his face.

"You better get ready" Mal stood up and stretched out her hand to help me get up. I took it and she pulled me closer and smiled.

"I better get going. I will let Doug stay here for a while and you'll go to school with him, ok?" Mal took get bag and talked with Doug for a while and I heard Doug's footsteps enter the room.

"You shouldn't have been here" I laughed and showed him my true smile. Honestly, I'm happy that I have him as a friend of mine. I never had a friend visiting me in my room since me and Carlos arrived here in Auradon. I know you got it right, Carlos was the one who mostly visited me in the morning.

"I would like to ask you'd walk with me to school" he raised his shoulders and smiled at me. He looks so cute tho. I laughed and walked toward him and pinched his cheeks, "I'll go get ready first". As I turned my back on him, I heard him sighed as in relief and flatter. Gosh, I'm so good at flirting.

I wore a black off-shoulder and inserted it to my blue short skirt with my blue hair brushing down my shoulders and wore a crown over my head. The skirt was very fashionable with little sparkles in it and designs. I saw him blushing as he opened his mouth, speechless.

"Wow, I-I never thought that you're far more gorgeous" he complimented me and fixed his glasses.

"Thank you"

After a few minutes, we arrived at the school ground and separated ways. He went to his Math class while I headed for my goodness class. When I got there, everyone turned their eyes on me and my heart skipped a beat as I saw the snow headed boy named Carlos. He smiled at me and I didn't hesitate to smile back. Fairy Godmother greeted me and didn't even got angry at me for being late. No wander she was chosen to teach goodness.

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