Chapter 8 ~ What great news?

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Evie's POV
After the class I immediately ran outside, leaving Doug behind. He ran beside me, smiled, and said 'Hey'. I ignored him playfully and he stopped walking. I looked back and laughed at him as he showed me a sad face.

"Why do you look so cute?" I walked toward him and held his face.

He was about to say something but he noticed me locking my eyes on Carlos and Jay. Carlos caught me staring at him which caused him to stop and wave. I didn't hesitate to wave back and I showed a big smile to him. Jay also did the same to me and he patted Carlos' shoulder and went to the locker.

"Umm..." Doug interrupted the moment and I pinched his checks and kissed it. He quickly blushed and I left him blank.

I skipped all the way to my locker and when I slowly closed it, Carlos was there which made me close it louder.

"Hey" He smiled. I was so happy to see him again. I could feel my heart beating fast.

"Oh, Hey there" I said and leaned on my locker.

"Umm, I want to tell you something"

"What would it be?"

"Maybe something that might shock you" He scratched the back of his neck and showed an awkward smile. That snow headed boy looks cuter than Doug. Oops, sorry.

"Hey, Evie! I've been looking for you" Mal walked toward us. She looked frustrated.

"Hey, Mal" Carlos smiled.

"Hey, Carlos. Umm, sorry to disturb you guys but can I have Evie for a while?"

"Oh, ok. I'll talk to you later, E" He turned his back on us and walked away. I sighed and Mal noticed me.

"Hey" Mal snapped me out from my thoughts. She really is a moment breaker. LOL.

"Oh, what's up? Is something wrong between you and your benny-boo?"

"Nope but there's great news for you" she hopped up and down. The bells rang and she rolled her eyes and pulled me closer for a hug. I wandered what this girl wanted to tell me.

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