Chapter 6 ~ Crush

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Carlos' POV
Once I arrived there at my first class with Fairy Godmother, I saw no one, just me with my buddy, Dude. I was rubbing Dude's back as I flashback everything that happened yesterday-- it was insane. From the coronation to the party, I got very tired. But since dancing is my hobby, I didn't stop enjoying that night.

Finally, Fairy Godmother has come. I didn't expect Jane was following her holding a thick book, probably a history book. Wait, why the hell would Fairy Godmother bring a history book? We already know everything that has happened here. Anyway, Jay and Mal arrived a while after Fairy Godmother asked me where are the others. I thought deeply for a while 'cause there is only one person that I knew I've been looking for -- Evie.

We were about to start our class when someone showed up. I quickly turned my head and saw Evie panting. She might have ran all the way here.

I locked my eyes on her and said to myself, 'Even if her hair was blown up too much by the wind, she's still a beautiful mess'. I never thought that I was thinking out loud when Jay noticed me and punched my arm playfully.

I showed a smile at her as she looked deeply into me. I looked away and sat straight so that I wouldn't get lost in her eyes.

After an hour of soaking up Fairy Godmother's goodness class, me and Jay bid goodbyes to the girls separated ways from them. While we were heading toward the field, Jay asked me,

"Man, are you in love with Jane?" He turned himself on me and I stood there speechless.

"W-what do you mean?"

"Well, I noticed since last night that something is there between you Jane"

"And what do you think it is?"

"Love?" He raised his shoulders, uncertain about what he just said.

"Actually, I think I'm in love with someone else. And it's not Jane, sadly"

"Who could it be?" He smirked.

"You'll figure it out soon" I patted Jay's shoulder and we both ran to the other side of the field.

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