Chapter 27 ~ Wild

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Carlos' POV
Finally, the game has ended. And I want to tell you that it was really intense!

Firstly, my FIRST KISS with EVIE. It was very...intimate and I didn't help myself to calm down. I know I've been completely absent-minded at that time due to the adrenaline that flows over through my body, but I still managed to kiss her not too roughly. LOL.

Second is the argument between Mal and Audrey about Ben. Audrey asked Mal if she intentionally spelled Ben to sweep her away from him. I don't know if I consider it as a true fight, but, it was fun. The only problem is if they took it seriously. They just laughed after...I hope it wasn't fake.

Third, Jay's crushes. I never thought that Mal has become one of them. And Ben's reaction was, yeah, not that cruel. He have Mal now, no one could ever take her away from him. Ben just made an agreement that he can do whatever he wanted to do with Mal but respectively as a king's girlfriend.

Lastly, Audrey's false relationship with Chad. She stated that she only grabbed Chad to be her date to get Ben jealous with her, but her expectation tumbled down into opposition. The bad news is that Chad got really crazy for her after she kissed him. UNINTENTIONAL.

"Hmmm...since there were only 3 tents..." Mal started.

"...and since I would get to share one with Audrey..." Continued Jay.

"...maybe...Carlos would share the other with Evie" Ben concluded.

What??? Again with this stuff??

Before I could say I word, Evie and I glanced at each other with our mouth open. "W-wait is this a plan or something?"

"N-no, Carlos. I-It's just a coincidence. I'm really really sorry if I had you two confused on what is happening right now" Ben said. "...I just want to spend time with all of you", he added with his head down.

This isn't right, but I have to take the chance now. I just have to be careful of myself, whatever may happen inside the tent.

"Oh, okay. I'm sorry" I said.

Evie's POV
Ok. This situation looks kinda planned but I'm sure if it is when Ben apologized that it's a coincidence. But...who knows?

"We are really sorry, Ben" I said.

"Y-you can sleep with Mal here---"

"N-no. It's okay, take your time with her since your parents are not yet here" interrupted Carlos and we laughed. Later on, he added, "Me and Evie will just sleep here in the same tent"

"Thanks Carlos" said Mal.

Right after we bid goodnight to them, we turned away and entered the tent.

*In the middle of the night*
I couldn't sleep. The moment I had with Carlos lately kept on bugging inside my mind, causing me to be completely wide awake. I couldn't get over it.

After a few minutes, I decided to sit up and zip down the tent's zipper and gaze up on the stars. The place is just so beautiful that it almost got me hallucinated. The stars in the night sky were dazzling over my brown eyes, making it sparkle.

Suddenly, a figure sat up beside me. It was Carlos, of course. And again, my heart started to beat faster when I felt butterflies on my stomach.

"Can't sleep?" He asked in a hoarse whisper. I felt shivers down my spine as his voice echo into my mind.

I couldn't focus on to what was happening so I just nodded in response.

"By the way..." I started.

"I'm so sorry about the kiss. I know I got crazy about it"

"N-no. I'm the one who should apologize because I really got lost with it"

"I should because I got really wild" he said and chuckled.

After he said those words, I quickly tried to calm myself down. HE GOT WILD???

"I-I'm so sorry about that. I-I didn't mean to turn you on--" I blurted out.

"N-no it's okay"

I just chuckled there and say, "Oh, okay"

After 30 minutes of talking and laughing without making distractions, we finally got ourselves to sleep between each other's arms. Yep, you've read it right. I was sleeping between Carlos' arms, hugging me while I placed my head on his chest and feel his heart beat.

But, when I woke up in the morning, no one was there beside me. He must have woken up earlier than I. I quickly went out from the tent and found myself alone. No one was there. Even Mal, Ben, Jay and Audrey were nowhere to be seen. ALSO CARLOS.

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