Chapter 34 ~ White Horse

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Evie's POV
My mascara's a big mess. My sobs were unstoppable. My heart was still bleeding as I flashback the scene of Carlos and Jane. 'I should've got ready before I deal with him. 'Cause this is what relationships usually ends'. I couldn't stop thinking about it. Really, I couldn't.

Maybe I was naive,
Got lost in your eyes
And never really had a chance

My mistake,
I didn't know to be in love
You had to fight to have the upper hand

I had so many dreams about you and me
Happy endings, now I know...

I screamed, not minding anyone who could hear me. I just want to let this pain out off me and move on. But love is covering it from getting out. My eyes started to swell. I am totally breathing heavily.

I'm not a princess
This ain't a fairytale
I'm gonna find someone someday
Who might actually treat me well

This ain't the Isle now
Where it's right to break my heart
But there in my mirror our memories' disappearing now
And it's too late for you and your White Horse
To come around

Calming down, I was staring over the ring Carlos gave me. But as I was looking at it, I decided to slowly pull it off my finger and place it inside the drawer. I couldn't bear wearing it because it reminds me of him...and all the memories we made.

Mal's POV
I was running down the crowded hallway, hurrying and not minding every single person I got bumped into. Seriously guys, I am worried when nobody is there who can comfort, care, and talk to her. And as her best friend, I have to be there right away.

I swung the door open and saw Evie asleep on her bed. I sighed in relief that she's fine. But as I went near her, I found her eyes swelling badly.

She still looked beautiful tho.

I sat next to her for a while, making sure she is fine. And thankfully, she didn't have any bad dreams so I decided to leave the dorm and head to the boys'.

When I got there, Jay was outside the door, knocking. I chuckled at how cute his frown was. Oops.

"Hey, is Carlos inside?"

"Undoubtedly, yes. And he's not opening the door" he said, struggling in opening.

"Look, there is something you need to know, Rapunzel"

He looked over me with a raised eyebrow and answered, "If you're gonna tell me about Carlos having a crush on Evie and he's right inside this room breaking down crying, well, I already know that"

"You're already far from the update, long hair. They are together!" I yell-whispered, pulling his long hair.

"What the---? So, y-you mean, as a couple?"

"Yes. And stop asking questions. We have to open the door. Right now."

Just as he was just standing there, he continued, "You have magic right?"

Right. Magic.

"Shit, I forgot the spell. I didn't bring my book. Hey, do you have your keys with you?"

"Oh, I forgot! It's in my pocket!" He yelled.

"You've been standing here for so long not knowing you have your keys with you all the time!"

I was really irritated to that situation, guys.

When me and Jay burst through the door, we found Carlos sitting on the floor beside his bed, crying. His sobs filled the silence of each area of the room.We've never heard him like this before.

I first took a few gentle steps toward him. As I get closer and closer, I could clearly hear him cursing between his breath.

"Carlos" I started, slowly taking my seat beside him.

"Why are you here?" He said sarcastically as he wiped his tears away from his face.

"We're worrying for you man" Jay answered and sit right to the other of him.

"Why are you worrying? Nothing's happening. Everything is fine....I am fine" Carlos exclaimed, standing up but Jay quickly grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled him gently back on the floor.

"Carlos denying the pain just makes everything worse"

"I don't care. I DESERVE IT!" He yelled and stood up again with full force that he finally got himself off from Jay's tough grip. And I let out a sharp sigh when Carlos slammed the door really loud.

Carlos' POV
I was running down the hallway, holding back the tears. I didn't know where to go when Evie's cry kept on echoing inside my mind. I walked pass their window, looking in...but I saw something painful than the pain I feel.

Doug was hugging Evie, holding her tight. 'I used to be that guy but I guess not this time', I thought. I couldn't bear watching them both so I decided to go somewhere no one can see me. Somewhere I can freely scream the pain, scream her name.

Evie's POV
'Yes, someone is here to comfort me but I can't help but pretend that the person I am with right now is Carlos. I can't keep my eyes open and see that it's someone else'

"Can you tell me what happened?" Doug asked,

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