Chapter 12 ~ Bracelet for a Gift

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Doug's POV
After a few hours of sewing and doing things of a dress maker, Evie's eyes started to close and got really asleep on her table. I was just sitting there, gazing at her beautiful face like the way I look up to the stars until I realise that she needs a comfortable place to sleep.

I slowly carried her to her bed and gently placed her down. I brushed my thumb on her soft cheeks and kissed her forehead. After a while, I quietly went to the door and slowly opened it and headed back to my dorm. I've always wanted her to know what I really feel inside but I guess it's not yet time.

I entered my room and headed to a drawer which was previously designed for me to place all gifts that I would give to Evie every week. I know it's strange but that's the way I love her.

I pulled the drawer to reveal a small box. It's not a ring nor a necklace, but a beaded bracelet which my father gave me to remind my love (Evie) that everywhere shd goes, if she wears that bracelet, she won't forget me. This bracelet is very special, I hope that she'll love this.

Carlos' POV
"I hope that this would be the best birthday in her entire life" Jay said, lazily.

"More birthdays to come!" I laughed and Mal stood up with her hands on her waist.

"Ok! It's dark now. I gotta go, bye. Oh, and thanks Carlos. You could be the best partner for Evie in this kind of situations" Mal smirked at me and closed the door. Me and Jay exchanged expressions and went out to eat. But before I could close the door, I grabbed something and ran back to the door.

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