Chapter 9 ~ Right Now

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Evie's POV
"Ok. But I think I have to gooo--" I hugged back and laughed but I pulled away quickly. "Awww, that's sweet for you to hug me like that"

"It's only for today. Anyway, Ben told me that he'll help you build your castle and your own boutique!"

"Are you kidding me?"

"No! But he asks for a favor"

"What is it?"

"He asks if you could sew dresses for the other girls in Auradon for the preparation of our cotillion"

"I would take the chance! It's my dream"

"I know! I'm very proud of you. I'll go tell Ben. Bye!" She ran and headed to Ben's office.

Oh my gosh! I can't believe what I just heard. Wait, How did he know that I sew? Probably because of Mal.

I ran quickly to my next class and there I saw the snow headed boy again and sat next to him. I've been wandering what he is going to tell me.

Carlos' POV
It's been a while since the class started. I was sitting there alone next to add empty chair. Ms. Ariel was not there to teach us about music. So sad that Evie wasn't here too. Wait, what did I just say?

I never expected someone would sit right next to me. It's Evie, the blue haired princess! I could feel my cheeks blushing as her hair brushes over my shoulders.

"Hey, I didn't expect you to come"

"And I didn't expect that you'd rather sit alone here than with Jay"

"Well, Jay is always hanging out with girls and I don't like it"

"You do?" She smirked.

"Uh, yeah, really. Since when have you noticed me hanging out with a girl alone?"

"Right now"

"Yeah, right. You're just joking aren't you?"

"I-I don't know how to make a joke...remember?"

"Oh, yeah" I scratched the back of my head and blushed. Now this is a very awkward moment.

"By the way, what are you going to tell me?"

"Oops, sorry. I forgot"

"Oh, It's okay" she showed me her best smile and I smiled back but calmly because I don't want her to be conscious. LOL.

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