Chapter 7 ~ The cheater, coward, and the Jerk

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Doug's POV
I was so excited to meet Evie again. While I was having my class, I couldn't stop thinking of her. I've never felt this way before. Oh, those poison apples, you got me crazy.

I ran to my next class with Evie--Chemistry class. I would finally get to sit with her again. I got there earlier before someone sneaked on the door. It's Evie! I quickly sat straight and smiled. She looks at me and entered the room.

"Hey there" She greeted me with a soft tone. Very flattering.


"How are you doing?"

"..." I became speechless as she draw closer to me. I could feel my cheeks blushing and she pinched me and hugged me. She laughed as she felt my heart beating fast.

"It's ok" She smiled.

After a few minutes, the class entered the room. I looked Evie as she turned her head down when she saw Chad enter the room. She was continuing her sketch. In her sketch, I saw a girl with purple hair standing, wearing a yellow gown. Her sketch was beautiful as well as the once who draws it. I took a strand of hair from her face and she looked at me. Chad was there looking at us.

"Well, well, what is the nerd doing with the cheater?" He folded his arms and I immediately stood up as he took a step forward Evie. She did the same thing with me and she was standing straight than I do.

"Well, what is that jerk doing here, Doug?" She looked at me.

"I-I don't know"

"What a coward" Chad laughed at me and Evie took a step forward but before she could take another step, I held her arm.

"Don't stop me from getting rid of this lad" She resisted and she stood there face to face with Chad.

"Evie, What are you doing?" Mr. Deley finally stopped them and walked in between them.

"Nothing. We were just--"

"Measuring their height!" I interrupted Evie and Chad rolled his eyes and went back to his seat.

I never imagined that Evie learned to fight for herself. Or maybe I just didn't know it from her.

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