Chapter 22 ~ Heartbeats and Instruments

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A day before Evie's birthday

Mal's POV
"So, you should place her gifts here and the photo booth should be in the corner" I said as I pointed everything out on the papers Carlos draw.

"No, we can't put the photo booth in the corner. It doesn't have much space there" Carlos was shocked as to what Jay said.

"Yeah, he's right. Maybe we can exchange their place so that the photo booth can have enough space" Carlos agreed. "Nice one bro" Carlos said and fist-bombed Jay and nodded.

I rolled my eyes and said, "Fine, whatever".

We turned around when we heard a knock on the door. Oh, yeah. We are planning inside the boys' room. Jay stood up and headed for it. When he opened it, Evie is standing there and smiled. Me and Carlos quickly hide the papers and everything under his pillows.

"What are you doing, guys?"

"Ummm...we were..." Jay started and looked back on us. I signaled him to not tell the truth that we are planning for her birthday. "...we were...playing games. Wanna play with us?"

Me and Carlos groaned and Evie smiled, but it quickly turned away and said, "N-no, thank you...I-I have something to do". She left us a smile and walked away. I felt bad when she said that. Maybe she heard me and Carlos groan.

"I could see in her eyes that she's not happy" Carlos said.

Me and Jay smirked before he said, "Don't you want to chase after her?"

"Um... would you mind?", asked Carlos.

"We can handle this plan" I said and winked at him. He showed us a smile before he went out.

Jay slowly closed the door and went back to me. Guess what, me and Jay didn't plan for her birthday but for Carlos and her.

Carlos' POV
I've been searching Evie for I think...half an hour until I finally found her. She's playing Miss Ariel's piano. No one is with her and I could clearly hear her beautiful voice fill the place. I-I never thought that she can play a musical instrument. Her mother has a room of instruments but I've never seen or even heard of her play once. I would be very blessed if I could own her.

Your mom's a Vet back before she got trapped inside a barrier
Got left by a dog who never looked back
My mom's a lovesick with no fear of cheating
Got themselves two kids to believe love would never last

She sang and I slowly sneaked beside her. She hopped on her seat and her eyes got widely open when she saw me.

"C-Carlos, you frightened me!" She exclaimed and we both laughed.

"I'm sorry I frightened you. I heard a beautiful voice and found out that it comes from my blueberry princess" she just blushed as to what I've said.

Silence fills again the atmosphere and so I reached out for a guitar and strummed a chord.

"Wait, you can play?" She asked with her mouth open.

"Don't give me that look" I joked and she chuckled.

"I just can't believe that you are very talented. You almost know everything!"

"Ha. I've been learning this since I got to live with you at your mother's castle" I explained, smiling.

"Wait, don't tell me you sneaked into our mini 'studio'"

"I did" I said and we both laughed.

"Why didn't you tell me? We should've played there and shout our lungs out"

"Well now, we can" I said and started to pluck the strings. She smirked at me and I could feel my cheeks heating up.

"I know this song", said Evie and pressed the keys to be my accompaniment.

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