Chapter 12

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    Anthony's P.O.V

I sat in the passenger seat of the vehicle while Alejandro drove. Elly sat in the back with her head resting against the window and her eyes closed. I couldnt help staring at her through the rearview mirror.

     She's so beautiful. Her dark blonde hair was in a messy bun atop her head with wisps of hair lingering around her face.

    Her cute button nose and her plump pink lips. Her normally milky skin was now a bit pasty and pale.

    Her breathing was a steady rise and fall. As if feeling my gaze her eyes opened and met mine. Those beautiful emerald eyes. She smiled then turned to look out the window.

      I'm falling for her and she's not even trying. What's wrong with me? I have a wife.

    I must admit our marriage has not been an actual marriage since the past three years. It's more of a business agreement and a show for the public eyes. I will never forgive Ruth for what she did, but Elly, she is my future. She has my future in her and I'll do my best to make her completely happy.

   I smiled at her one last time before returning my eyes to the road.

        Elly's P.O.V

   The scenery passes by as I lay my head against the cool glass with my eyes close. I feel nauseous and I have a slight headache. I felt a strange feeling that I was being watched so I opened my eyes and met the gaze of Anthony in the rearview.

    I gave him a polite smile and turned to look outside. That small action made butterflies go into a frenzy in my stomach. My cheeks heat up and the cool glass against my cheek did not help.

     "Alejandro could you pull over please?" I asked. He pulled over and before he could ask why I bust the door open and emptied my stomachs contents on the curb.

   I felt like I was dying. My head felt light and my vision blurred. I felt my knees start getting weak but before I fell a pair of strong arms held me up.

   "Shit!" Anthony swore. I looked up to see that the doctor's office was just down the road so Anthony ended up lifting me and carrying me the rest of the way.

     "Hello, could we please see Dr. Stennett, it's an emergency" Anthony spoke in his sexy English accent.

    Look at me, on the brink of death and still I find the time to check him out. Okay, a bit of an exaggeration but you get my point.

    "Go on in, she's free" the receptionist told us.

     I noticed Alejandro did not come in with us. Anthony placed me on the cot in the corner and spoke to the doctor in a rushed way.

     I took this time to check him out and my oh my was he a sight for sore eyes. He turned towards me and I hurriedly looked away, not wanting to be caught checking him out.

     "Hello there Ms. Sullivan, are you strong enough to stand on your own?" Dr. Stennett came over and asked me.

   I nodded and stood to my feet as she handed me a pee sample cup. I went into the bathroom and did what needed to be done before washing my hands and returning the sample to her.

       I sat down and Anthont came over and brushed back a couple stray hairs from my face. I looked up and noticed he was not focusing on me, he was doing it subconsciously. This made me blush, looking down so he wouldnt notice.

     "Ok, while that processes, let's get some other tests done".

   Once again she checks my blood pressure level, she places a heart monitor on my chest and checks my temperature.

    "Everything seems to be in order Ms. Sullivan and the results of the urine test show that you are a week and a half pregnant. Congratulations" she says and smiles at me while she writes on her clipboard.

    I look up at her then at Anthony before placing a hand over my stomach on instinct. He smiles at me and I return the kind gesture.

     "It looks like your body is having a hard time adjusting to your elevated hormone levels so I suggest you stay home, no more working until after this pregnancy. Stay off your feet and just relax. Make sure you take your vitamins and keep a healthy diet. Your next appointment is in three months. Take care until then" she says.

   She hands me an appointment card and waves us off. Anthony helps me stand and we walk out to the parking lot.

   Alejandro stands beside the vehicle, talking on his phone. He ends the call when he sees us approaching. "Hey, Cassie's worried about you. What did the doctor say?"

     "I'm going to be a mother" I say and smiled widely, once again placing my hand over my stomach. There was no swelling or any signs that I was pregnant but just the thought of it makes me cover my stomach in a protective way on instinct.

      "So it worked. That's wonderful" Alejandro said. The doctor had explained that there was a 85% chance of the sperm actually fertilizing an egg and implanting, I guess I was in the lucky 85%.

     "Let's go have celebratory lunch" Alejandro said gladly and entered the car.

   "Is it ok if I sit with you?" Anthony asked me. "I would like that" I said and smiled as he got into the backseat beside me. He placed a hand over my head and I leaned into his side.

   I inhaled his scent and closed my eyes, relishing the feeling of his arm around me. In this moment I wasnt his surrogate and he was not a married man, I was just a girl falling in love with a man and that man had his arms around me.

    I grinned so wide I felt my cheeks were going to cease up. Whatever, I think I'm falling for Anthony, and that thought scares me.


Hey everybody, it's a short chapter but it's also kind of a filler. Please comment and let me know what you think, fan and vote. That means a lot to me.


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