Chapter 34

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    *Anthony's P.O.V*

     2 hours later.

   "Excuse me, are you the two men who came in with the young pregnant lady?" A male nurse came up to us, holding a clipboard in his hand.

       "Yes, yes we are. How is she? How are the babies?" I ask, springing to my feet.

    "I'm sorry, but just for clarification can you provide me with some physical features of hers to ensure that you two are indeed the males who came in with her?" the nurse spoke to us.

   "Um, yes ofcourse. She has dark blonde hair and she was wearing a blue and pink floral dress" I stated. The nurse nodded his head and flipped a page on a clipboard he was holding.

    "Thank you for that information. Can you please inform me on your relations to this woman?".

    "I'm her fiance and the father of her babies" I stated. He nodded once again and handed the clipboard to me.

    "She is currently still under observation. Could you please fill out this form with your name, her name and all the necessary details mentioned on the sheet?"

    "Isn't there anything you could tell me please?" I practically begged, my voice cracking as my walls started to fall once again.

   Alejandro placed his hand across my shoulder for support.

    "Well you will need to fill out another form, stating how this all happened but that will be reserved for when she is awake. We stopped the bleeding but we had difficulty picking up on one of the fetus' heartbeat" my breath hitched and he caught on to this.

       "But no need to worry it is slowly getting back to its steady heart beat pattern. That's all I can tell you for now" he finished off and nodded to us as a sign of his departure.

    I looked to the paperwork but my eyes were too filled with water for me to see he words clearly.

   "Hey, let me handle that for you" Alejandro says and takes the clipboard from my hands.

   "Excuse me, do you know these people?" A security guard came up to us. He was walking with Cassandra, Cameron, Allison and my grandmom.

   "Yes we do" I say and he nods before walking away.

    Cassandra looked to be in worse state than I was. Her hair was a mess, she was still bawling her eyes out and she could barely stand up.

    Her sister was the one supporting her to keep her steady on her feet. Allison was walking alongside them with her hand on Cameron's back.

   "Anthony my baby, how's she doing?" my grandmom asked as she came and held my head against her stomach. I wrapped my arms around her waist and then came the full on waterworks.

    "I don't know. The nurse said he can't tell me much. He mentioned that they had lost one of the baby's heartbeat but it came back" I informed her. She let out a sigh and ran her hand through my hair, soothing my scalp.

      "Nothing is gonna happen to her Anthony. Just keep strong. She'd want you to have faith in her that she'll pull through" she says.

   I nod and wipe my face with a handkerchief that my grandmom gave to me.

   Cassandra came and sat beside me. I placed an arm around her and she nestled her head into my shoulder.

   "She'll be ok Cassie. I know she will" I said, trying to comfort both her and myself as well.

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